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Louisiana Dachshund Barely Escapes Claws of Hawk

Meet pretty pure black and smooth little 'Hannah Marie' who hails from Slaughter, Louisiana.  She was recently nearly carried off by a hawk, had it not been for her elderly human who stretched out to grab her hind legs from the sharp clutches of the hawk who was flying away with her.  Wow.  Excerpt from Fox19:

It was a Wednesday afternoon in Slaughter, LA and Bringol had just let little "Hannah Marie" out to play in her backyard like she's done almost every day for the past two years, but even in rural East Feliciana Parish, her stalker found the 10-pound miniature dachshund.
"He's been in the trees and around our property," said Bringol. "And, he's been around the neighborhood. Our neighbors have seen him. He's even been on our carport. And, that's...scary."
For the past week, Bringol has been keeping an eye out for the hawk, but in an instant it "just swooped down above her" as Hannah was sunning in her favorite spot. The hawk snatched up and tried to carry her off. Pat chased the predator and caught it just before it lifted Hannah into the sky.
"I had to reach on my tippy-toes and grab her hind legs. And, it took everything I had to pull her. I said, 'You're not getting my dog!' I was so mad I was shaking," she explained.
Bringol was able to wrestle a frightened Hannah free, unscathed. Hannah's favorite pink jacket wasn't so lucky. The hawk's talons ripped three gashes in it. Bristol said she's just happy Hannah is still around.
Her daughter bought a stuffed puppy to act as a decoy of sorts to use until the hawk finally decides to leave, but now Bringol doesn't let Hannah out alone. When Hannah goes for her walk, it's never for long and Bringol always keeps an eye on the sky because you can never be sure who's watching.

Read more and watch the news video at Fox19.  We're sure glad that Hannah is safe and sound.

Signs Of The Times

We love it when our Dad puts leashes on us to walk us while he drives his RV.  Cough.  Ahem.  Thanks so much to Jennifer, "mom to a dapple doxi," for sending in this fun photo!  She writes:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

I took this picture yesterday at the Outlet mall in Florida City, Florida – I thought you and your readers might get a smile out of it, like I did!

We sure did!  Seen a Dachshund on a sign?  Send it in!

Dachshund Collector's Corner: Dachshund Bookends

Thanks so much to Angela Wish for writing in with her favorite Dachshund collectible - those are some looong bookends!  She writes:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

I just stumbled on your blog and I am in love! I have a mini red long haired Dachshund named 'Rue,' and she is our 1st and only child.  Anywho - I saw the antiques and collectible Dachshund items you post, and wanted to share our favorite gift we received as a house warming gift (found at a garage sale) from our friends - Dachshund book ends! Thanks for the awesome blogsite!

Which of course begs the question:  Why would someone part with their Dachshund bookends at a garage sale?
Got a favorite Dachshund collectible?  Send it in with a nice photo!

Sing, Sing A Song

Santa Maria, California natives 'Gretta,' and her human Genete Bowen auditioned last night in Atlanta, Georgia for Season 6 of the popular television show America's Got Talent.  While we haven't heard the outcome of if they will make it on the show, they got a private audition, which is reserved for acts that the show producers think they will like.  They perform big band and swing songs.  Hope to see this unlikely duo on Season 6!  Read all about them at the Santa Maria Times.

Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear - Just sing, sing a song. 

A Peaceful Sunday

Totally enjoying his day off from work ^_^

I finally figured out how to get pictures off from both my ipod and phone, which I tend to have on me more to catch the "awwwww" moments of Ferguson.  So, we'll celebrate with lots of pictures!

Not sure why Ferguson is so sleepy on our days off...it's not like he works too hard when we do go to work:
Ferguson next to his greyhound buddy, Maverick!

However, I won't pretend for a minute that I don't love how much Ferg sleeps.  It is such a relief to know that all he needs is one or two long walks a day to keep him more than satisfied.  I don't miss the three hour long walks that were absolutely necessary to keep most of the Labradors sane.  Needless to say, Ferguson totally matches my energy level ^_^. 

The longer he's here, the more settled he gets.  He did great when I went to go babysit last night, and behaved himself perfectly while my parents were with him (yay progress).  I did actually order a citronella collar, but more so for piece of mind during travel than anything else, or for future dogs I have to crate train (which may be many over the course of my lifetime) so I figured it was a reasonable purchase.  For the most part, I think Ferguson will be just fine and doesn't really need it. 

Since it's Sunday, and the third week I've had Ferguson, I shall make a list of things I love/have noticed/appreciate about my greyt greyhound:

1. Ferguson is not a chow hound.  Lately, he doesn't even finish breakfast/dinner (he does about 3/4 of it, and then walks away).  This means, however, that he is not a food thief, even when things are right by his nose.  He likes to sniff, but won't even do that if asked to back off. 

2. Ferguson doesn't typically destroy toys, and has no desire to "chew until it's dead" like most of my other dogs have done.  This is so appreciated, as they last much longer.  If they are even moderately tough, they have no trouble surviving his 3 minute sessions of silliness.  Speaking of silliness....

3. Ferguson is mostly a serious kind of guy, but has his moments of silliness, which reflects my own personality in a lot of ways.  At work, he almost has a gentle old man mentality, keeping to himself, but not acting timid by any means.  However, while he doesn't mind other dogs being silly with each other (some dogs do, BELIEVE ME..."police dogs" we call them), he doesn't tolerate anyone being silly with him against his will.  And that is totally okay with me :). 

4. Ferguson really likes his crate.  He goes in there all the time on his own.  This is great, as you can't forcibly make a dog naturally like their crate, even if you can get them to tolerate it.  I'm glad you like it, buddy...it will be your special place to have for your whole life :). 

5. His attitude is totally "go with the flow."  When walking, rude dogs will bark and pull at us, and never more do I need to worry about controlling my dog or moving to the other side of the street (GEB has very special rules about people/canine greetings that I'd often just rather not deal with, as Labs are just ridiculously excitable).  Ferguson merely gives them a glance, and keeps right on with me, ignoring their rude behavior.  It is now always the other dogs that must move, as I have total trust in Ferguson's behavior as calm, cool, and collected.  In other instances, even when he is startled or frightened, Ferg can be coaxed to face his fears or do something he obviously does not want to do.  This says a lot about his character, as I was anticipating a greyhound to be unwilling to move and shutdown in such situations.  I was pleasantly surprised ^_^

6. Anything I want to do to him is pretty much okay, be it nails, coat, or teeth.  He even willingly sports the sweater I knitted starting back in May when I first decided on a greyhound:

7. He's affectionate, and totally on my wave-length.  I can make a face at him, and he knows what I mean.  When I'm at work, he follows me with his eyes, and always gives me a happy tail wag when I go into his pen, even if it's just to mop up pee.  This makes work much more fun. 

8. He has cute white spots on him.  His back toes look as if they're dipped in white, and he has a white "t" on his chest.

9. Ferguson has an odd sort of intelligence about him.  I don't think I've had an instance where I've thought he was thick, and while he gets a little overly excited with training, offering me every behavior he knows to get a reward he really wants, he is willing to try to figure out new things.  Right now, we're working on "sit" which he'll do for stuffy squeaky toys.  He definitely has "down" down, and also knows "stay."  Even if he never got "sit" completely, this would be good enough for me.  However, I'd like him to become a good canine citizen, so "sit" will have to happen eventually. 

10. Ultimately, Ferguson is just about everything I'd hoped for in my own personal dog.  He is easy, not making me plan my entire day around his needs, and easy to enjoy.  His needs are minimal, and he seems glad to just be my pal.  No matter where I go, I feel confident that he'll be able to go along with me, his home being with me for the rest of his days. 

Happy three weeks, buddy...and here's to many more <3

I got some snow days afterall :D

It took me almost four hours to get home on Wednesday, when I was let home at 3:30.  The roads were horrific.  Because of this, I didn't have to come in the next day either (yesterday) and enjoyed a snow day of doing not that much.  In the evening, however, Eric and I went to Ski Liberty for some tubing fun, and it was :). 

Ferguson, however, was not at his best while my mom offered to "babysit."  He was kenneled the whole time, but decided to throw a barking riot after we left, ignoring her corrections or the fact that she was still there in the room with him.  She said she had to stand over the kennel assertively to get him to take her seriously and finally calm down.  Because of these things, I understand why Ferguson needed to not go to a novice; he has potential to be a jerk, and if you don't know how to stop him, I could see how he could be come unruly.  However, he's a fantastic guy if you know how to halt his problems at the get go, and admittedly, I've not experienced him doing a single "bad" thing, with the exception of him crying while I'm gone (which I still believe is workable and has gotten better with practice).  Hopefully this means he knows and respects me as his alpha (though I also wouldn't tolerate him thinking I was anything less). 

We leave for work at 4:15am...let's see how this new shift thing goes.  I asked Kathy to schedule me regularly for this time, and even perhaps full time....at least I'll be making bank.  Hopefully the work is easier as I thought it might be...I'll be sure to write about it tomorrow.

On a final note, Ferguson slept upstairs with me for the first time on a dog bed, and did really well :).  I was quite proud of him. 

Then his kennel time will be cut considerably.  Also, his travel kennel came in a few days ago, but I've yet to set it up, as I read in the reviews that the fabric stinks and needs to air out...which will have to wait for a less snowy few days. 

It's weird being busy, yet not busy, all at the same time.

Bojo's Bounce (The Periscope Song)

Thanks so much to Hugh Banks, who hails from Florence, Alabama, for sending in this little ditty - we love to sing!  He writes:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

A couple of weeks ago we had 12 inches where I live in Alabama, which is WAY out of the norm here!!!! Anyhow I wrote this novelty song about little short-legged furry friends havin a hard time in the precipitation.  The dachshund puppy in the video belongs to my son..CUTE as she can be!..
Hope Ya'll get a kick out of it......it is available on Amazon .com.

Bojo's Bounce (The Periscope Song)

I woke up to see a heavy snow...lyin on the lawn
I thought about if it hadnt fell.....where all I would have gone.
White as far as the eye can see ..and I cant head to town..
But what about my fuzzy friends..that live so close to the ground....?

Well I commenced to think it through while Bojo was still asleep...
And, it hit me like an old hambone, that when the snow's this deep..
My vertically – challenged friend's, altitude is so low....
When I let him out to run around, HE CANT SEE where to go....!

Life as we know it's been called off, But we got our milk and bread
And all the stuff I need to do's still runnin 'round in my head.....'
But, at least MY EYES are ABOVE the snow!...It really aint no joke...
If I'z a Yorkie or a Poodle or a Dachshund son,.I'd need a periscope.

They're like submarines out in the yard.....Surfacing for air..
They jump and bounce and tunnel 'round...Wait!..Are they still there?
Until the snow recedes a bit.....It's really hard to say....
Are my little fuzzy buddies here?....Or Have they run away?

Copyright Hugh Banks Out Run the Rain Publishing ASCAP 2011

Dachshunds To Watch Out For: It's Raylene!

Katherine Dettmer nuzzles up Monday to her 6-year-old Dachshund 'Raylene' in her back yard in Gilroy, California.  Raylene, whose show name is Champion Wagswells Ray of Cambria, will compete in the upcoming Golden Gate Kennel Club All-Breed Dog Show at the Cow Palace in San Francisco this weekend.  Go get 'em Raylene!  Read all about the Dettmer family, who have several Dachshunds and a 140-pound bullmastiff(!) at the Gilroy Dispatch.

'The Long and Short of it All' is Brought to You by:

Faber-Castell, one of the world's largest manufacturers of pens, pencils, and art supplies, as well as high-end writing instruments and luxury leather goods.  Via Ads of the World.

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The Dachshund Holds Firm as 8th Most Popular Dog in United States of America

Yes, Me!

The American Kennel Club has released its registration statistics for 2010, and the lovable Dachshund retains its spot as the 8th most popular dog in America, same as 2009.  The Dachshund was the 4th most popular dog in 2000, 6th in 2006, and 7th in 2007 and 2008.  Of course, these are registration statistics, and heaven only knows how many Dachshunds aren't registered with the AKC each year.  The Dachshund seems to have lost popularity in many major cities across America, most notably New York, where we were in the top 5 for the past 6 years, but fell to 7th in 2010.  Read all the stats at The American Kennel Club.

Picasso Dachshund Plate Donated to Harry Ransom Center in Austin, Texas

Photojournalist David Douglas Duncan, author of Picasso & Lump: A Dachshund's Odyssey, has donated the plate given to him by Pablo Picasso to the Harry Ransom Center in Austin, Texas.  The plate features 'Lump' the Dachshund, as painted by Picasso on April 19, 1957.  You can check out the plate beginning February 1st at the Ransom Center, in a show that runs through July 31st.  Read more about the plate at artdaily.org.

Photo scanned from our copy of Picasso & Lump

Viral Dachshund Videos: Iso in the Snow

Love those flopping ears!  By youtuber IsoInSloMo who notes:  Apparently cute puppies in slow motion are all the rage, so here is more to feed your addiction. Iso loves the snow (sometimes). Luckily we caught him on a good day.

South Beach Dachshund Winterfest 2011

Hundreds of long dogs and their humans descended on Lummus Park in Miami Beach, Florida, on Saturday for the annual South Beach Dachshund Winterfest.  Activities included Dachshund Fortune Telling, Mini Massage, Doxie Funhouse (tunnels, Odor-ama, scary badgers!), a Costume Contest, Singing of the Dach Song and The Grand March!   We're so jealous.

Check out some nice photos of the Dachshunds over at CCochrans' photostream at flickr.

Thanks to youtuber ElgaGutierres for posting several nice videos from the event! 

Ruler Song: The Riddle of the Dachshund

Science4us.com asks the age-old question:  How can my doggie be so long and also be so short?  It's a paradox, ain't it?

Snowy days don't equal Snow Days

We woke up to another two inches of snow this morning, with it still falling.  Unfortunately, it's likely much worse up here in Frederick than it is down where I work in Sterling, VA.  Looking at the map, they are mostly just getting rain at this point.  But, me being so new and not knowing any co-workers to call besides the boss, I can't very well get anyone to cover for me.  So I will just have to drag myself down there...I guess.  On the bright side, most places only got delays, so it should clear up by the time I'm supposed to arrive.  I hope.  : /

Today is my second day of solid three days of working.  Yesterday went okay, for both Ferguson and me.  He was in the daycare pen from 11-2, when I removed him for when they merge the dog pens.  Then he was in a kennel from 2-6 or so.  This way though, he can give his joints a rest and lay on a bed I bring for him.  I think it will be a regular thing.

On Saturday though, I work my first morning shift (5:30-noon) but I'm actually quite excited for it, and wonder if I like it, if I can keep it.  I figure that this way, the time of my day would feel far less eaten up, and the type of work I'll have to do will be quite different than the closing shift I've been doing (11:30-7:30).  Yes, it's true I'll have to wake up at 3:45am to get there by 5:30, but traffic should be a breeze, and Ferguson wouldn't have to be removed from the pen, because we'll leave before they merge it.  So, we shall see on Saturday.

My mother just informed me that a huge snow storm is happening tonight, and we're supposed to get 8+ inches.  I'd better get some phone numbers for tomorrow...

Dachshund Domination Continues: Dachshund Makes UK Top 20 For First Time

Who, Me?

The UK's Kennel Club trumped the US' AKC by releasing their 2010 registration statistics early this year (we are expecting AKC's any day now) with interesting results: a huge increase in the number of registrations for what they term Handbag Dogs - or dogs carried in bags as fashion accessories.  While we would never consider ourselves a fashion accessory - Dachshunds never go out of style - the Pug, Chihuahua, and Dachshund made huge strides in registration numbers. 
For the first time ever, the Miniature Smooth-Haired Dachshund made it into the top 20 with 2,802 registrations, 12 percent up on 2009 and 72 percent up on 2005.  It's also interesting to note that UK's Kennel Club counts the Dachshund as 6 different breeds - smooth, mini smooth, longhair, mini longhair, wirehair, mini wirehair - and the AKC doesn't do this in their statistics.  In fact, if you add up all the Dachshund registration numbers, the Dachshund as a whole rises to number 12 in popularity in the UK, with 5,483 total registrations. 
Of course, we don't feel that this is the best news for the Dachshund breed as a whole:  popularity leads to irresponsible breeders and owners.  But we're so stinking cute, how can we not be popular?

See The Kennel Club's stats at their official site.

Dachshunds in Paradise

It's a bit nippy here in Chicago at the world headquarters of The Long and Short of it All - we'd call Florida paradise about now.   So would this pretty black and tan smooth named 'Lucy,' a seasonal resident from Ohio, who, with her human Judy East, attended the "Pets in Paradise" Pet Costume Parade in Naples yesterday dressed as the Red Hat Ladies.  Lucky Dog.  Source.

Happy 20th Birthday Heidi!

Now we meet 'Heidi,' a beautiful red smooth who hails just south of St. Louis, Missouri, who celebrated her 20th birthday on January 12th.  Happy Birthday Heidi!  Via STL Today:

Twenty years ago, Greg Navarro was looking for a dog.
He picked a cute little dachshund puppy and named her Heidi.
"I got her when she was six weeks old," said Navarro, a South County resident.
But she isn't the lively young pup she used to be.
"She has to warm up, like a car," Greg Navarro said. "But once she gets up she can move around."
She sleeps 18 hours a day, her coat has gone gray and she can't handle steps anymore, but Heidi still loves one thing.
"Food," Cathy Navarro said. "She's a great eater. If we didn't limit what she ate, she'd always eat more."
Last year, when Heidi turned 19, Cathy Navarro contacted the Guinness Book of World Records to see where her dachshund stood.
"They told me to contact them when she turned 20," Cathy Navarro said. "So last week I e-mailed them and submitted her information."
Wherever she ranks, the Navarro's are just glad to have her.
"Every day with Heidi is a blessing," Cathy Navarro said.

Read all about Heidi at STL Today.

"This one? How about this one? It looks nice and warm..."

A funny quirk that Ferguson does while we're on walks and he's either tired of walking or very cold:

Ferg:  "I'm cold/tired/hungry.  Let's go inside." (starts to walk up driveway).
Me: "No, Ferg. We don't live there."
Ferg: "Oh."  (a few houses later) "Jenny, I'm cold/tired/hungry.  Let's go inside." (starts to walk up another random driveway).
Me: "No, Ferg.  We don't live their either.  We're half a mile from home."
Ferg: "Oh.  Well, it still looks nice and cozy.  Let's go inside anyway!"
Me: "That's not the way it works, buddy."
Ferg: "Well why not? I don't see anyone there....and look!  There's a dog crossing sign out front! Or how about this one...it has blue shutters.  Blue is your favorite color, right?"
Me: "Oh Ferguson...."
Ferg: "Or maybe we could just...what do you call it...'visit' for a little while so I can score some tummy rubs and get all warm, and maybe take a nap..."

Eventually, he gives up after about three to four tries, but I still find it amusing.

Silly boy.

"I'm NOT a babysitter."

Ferguson had a semi-rough day today at daycare.  He was good and fine for the first while, doing his usual following me with his eyes, but keeping to himself, getting occasional drinks and hanging around with the other low key dogs in the low key dog section.  Then came Apollo, the 6 month old Great Dane puppy.  Apollo was first put in with the more active playful dogs, where he found a few others to satisfy his boisterous, silly, un-socialized play.  Then the time of day came when the mellow dog pen is moved to the active dog pen.  Usually, this is not much of a problem, as the active dogs tend to stick with the active dogs.  However, today we had to pull most of the active dogs, as they were there for boarding and had been for days, so Apollo decides to stick like glue to the dog closest to his size....guess who he picked?

He looked a lot like this.  Same expression, too. 

Ferguson was not at all happy about this.  He allowed himself to be sniffed, but did NOT like being followed, shoved, barked at, or beckoned to be played with, especially with mouthing.  Ferguson showed his teeth and growled a few times, quickly corrected by either me or a staff member, to which he would submissively stop and try to move away to the other side of the pen....but Apollo did not dwindle his focus.  We tried to sway Apollo to no avail (he didn't even understand where the water squirting was coming from, let alone that it was a correction) and before long, Ferguson had had enough and lunged a foot or two towards him, teeth barred, and barked a few times, looking fairly intimidating.  STILL, the puppy was not swayed and thought it was a game. I decided I'd save Ferguson his sanity, skin, and ability to be allowed in the pen at all by removing him  and having him be kenneled for a few hours until the pens were separate again.  As soon as Ferguson was gone, Apollo simply selected a new victim, and the cycle continued for the rest of the day of dogs barking and growling and snapping at him, the puppy failing on all levels of picking up dog social cues that meant, "LEAVE ME ALONE."  When he didn't have his way, Apollo would simply bark at his intended victim...I mean...playmate...demanding they acknowledge him.  It was quite a frustrating day.

I think my co-worker was pretty startled by Ferguson's actions, but I was not, especially when it kept happening with different dogs.  She still seemed a little wary of him when I brought him back in the pen after the Dane was removed, but Ferguson did just fine, as expected (most dogs just leave him be after sniffing, or understand subtle body language cues that say he's not interested in playing).  Let's just hope the Dane does not come back, and that Fergus's actions remain excluded incidents.

Cry Ferguson Lives Up To His Name...

Oh Ferg.

He was great in the kennels at work, surrounded by other dogs and noise and bustle.  But still, not so much at home.  Today, Eric and I went to breakfast, and thinking it might help, I left his muzzle on him while we left, still with the TV on, and still with Niles in sight (though I didn't move him right next to him, as I perhaps should have...this will be the next try).  Sadly, we still returned to a barking, crying, unhappy greyhound.  Ferguson also is always panting when we return...is he really that stressed?

Will this phase itself out in time?  I'm starting to worry a little.

If it isn't better by spring, I may consider buying a no-bark citronella spray collar (I don't like the shock ones).

Eric also suggested having someone else kennel him, since it's me he's mostly glued to.  But this doesn't help all that much, because he STILL has to learn to be on his own.

I guess we'll just keep practicing.  Come on, Ferg!  You can do it!!!

Celebrity Dachshund Watch: At Home With Dita Von Teese and Eva

Dita and Eva via InStyle magazine, February, 2011

It's no secret that we worship at the altar of burlesque artist, model, and actress Dita Von Teese.  She's the complete package:  classic beauty, charm, impeccable vintage style and, oh yeah - Dachshundism.   Her red longhaired beauty goes by the name 'Eva.'
If you missed her on CSI last night, don't despair, pick up the February issue of the American InStyle magazine, available now at your local news stand, with photos of her at home.
Can we get a WOOF?! 

Keep up with Ms. Von Teese at her official website or her twitter feed.


Vintage Dachshund Funnies: Muggs and Skeeter

Comic Strip Mugs and Skeeter, by Wally Bishop, ran in newspapers from 1927 to 1974.  This one ran on January 28, 1970.  Image Source.

Ferguson's First Day at Daycare :)

Today went much better.

Ferguson actually got to go into the daycare!  He did absolutely perfectly�and the best part?  There was even another greyhound there for him to hang out with!  The other grey�s name was Maverick, and when they met, it was totally adorable:

Ferg: �Hi�.Hi�K�yeah�Hi�.WHA�WHAT?!  OH MY GOSH!  YOU LOOK LIKE MEEEEE!!!!�

Both dogs got really happy and wiggly for about 5 seconds and wagged their tails while they sniffed each other�and then they relaxed and stopped caring.  LOL.  I really wish I could have gotten a picture :(

 Ferguson was totally perfect behavior wise, even amongst total chaos in the pen.  He stayed extremely calm, wasn�t stressed, and avoided all scuffles, since they are fairly frequent amongst the active dogs.  He even cuddled with a Weimaraner and German Shepherd and napped.  It was so cute ^_^.  He also wasn�t overly clingy to me, even though I was coming in and out here and there all over the place.  He also really liked my co-worker/supervisor, Nicole, and would wag his tail every time she pet him.  The only thing I wished I could have done for him would be for him to have something comfy to lay on, but he looked okay, at least while he laid on his side.  I do think he appreciated his comfy bed once he was home though.  

The way home was probably more stressful than anything else; about half way there, the dog barrier in the back fell in, I think because Ferg was leaning against it, and made it pop out.  Poor Ferg jumped, but dealt with it astoundingly well.  He moved so the barrier fell flat where he�d been laying, and then he climbed over the opening (which first made me very nervous, especially while driving at 55mph) but then simply laid down in the backseat like he knew exactly what to do, and like he�d been doing it his whole life.  I couldn�t help but laugh at his cleverness ^_^.  

My day overall was that much better knowing that Ferguson was okay and in good company so I didn�t have to worry about him potentially stressing to death in a kennel.  It also went by pretty fast, as usual, as there is always stuff to do.  

I think I�ll be able to keep this up pretty well, if all days are like today was :)

Dachshund Dearest

I never go outside unless I look like Joan Crawford the movie star.  If you want to see the girl next door, go next door.  ~Joan Crawford

Photo: January, 1940. 

Vintage Dachshund Pride

Well, aren't you proud of your Dachshund?

Vintage 1930s photo source unknown.

Dachshund Collector's Corner: You Light Up My Life

Wouldn't this be a great addition to your Dachshund-inspired décor?   Thanks so much to an anonymous Dachshundist for sending in photos of this little gem.  She writes:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

This Dachshund lamp was bought without a shade and was not working.  My husband redid the electrical part for me and I lucked out at a local flea market and found a shade that I felt was perfect.  The lamp cost a pretty penny when I bought it over 10 years ago.


First Official Day of Work

I am soooooo tired, and it's not even 10pm.

Today I:
1. Walked tons of dogs.
2. Picked up lots of poop.
3. Gave a Great Dane a bath (it was actually pretty fun lol)
4. Cleaned off dog rugs.
5. Washed about 100 dog bowls and toys.
6. Mopped up pee.
7. Scrubbed floors.

And so much more.  Poor Ferg got to come with me, but was in a kennel for the day, as the daycare was at full capacity.  He laid down in the kennel, and I gave him a bed, but I couldn't tell how okay he was.  I left his muzzle on for comfort (and to make sure the bed didn't get torn up) and he looked pretty okay when I'd pass him throughout the day.  He also got a bowl of water, but he dumped it and got the bed all wet.  Then, when I took him out to go home, he was shaking slightly, and the bed was still wet.  I'm not sure if he went and peed in it or not...it didn't really smell.  : / but he otherwise seemed fine (and he himself was not wet).  He is also just fine now, and came inside and seemed very happy...so it must not have been all THAT traumatizing.  I don't think I'll give him free access to water tomorrow to see what happens to the bed then (he should survive seven hours if he's not really moving around much except for the walk I get to give him half way through, and I can give him water then).  I put the bed right into the wash once we got home, so it will be all ready to go tomorrow.  I do hope he'll be okay...but he was definitely quiet, if nothing else.

I kind of wish I didn't have to work two days in a row.  I feel like I just got home and it's time for bed, and then I'll wake up and have to do it all over again.  *sighs*  At least I know I'm off Friday.

Here's wishing the best for tomorrow, and that Ferg can hold up.  It will be okay, buddy...it's only temporary.

Celebrity Dachshund Watch: Selma Blair and her Piebald Visit the Vet

Pregnant actress Selma Blair takes her pretty black and tan smooth Piebald to the TLC Pet Medical Center before getting a coffee and checking out some magazines in West Hollywood, CA.  Celebuzz notes that her sweetie is a Dachshund mix - obviously they have never seen a Piebald!

See 21 photos at Zimbio.  If anyone has any more information on Selma's Dachshund, please leave a comment!

Those Special Dachshunds in Heaven: Sally

Thanks so much to Jim Eicher for sending in such funny and heartwarming photos of his beautiful beloved 'Sally,' who waits for him and his family at the Rainbow Bridge.  Our hearts go out to you.  Jim writes:

Hi there Joey and Maggie,

My wife and I have been reading your excellent blog for some time now. We had a beautiful 13-year-old red Dachshund (Sally) until last October when we had to put her down. My wife had her when we met eight years ago, and being a weimaraner guy, I didn't expect to get SO attached to her. Funny how that happens. Even though we still have two weimaraners, our house feels so empty without Sally in it. It's interesting how such a little dog can have such a large presence.

We hope to get another Doxie in time; it's just too early right now.

Thanks for your great blog, and all the best to you.

Sally = Happiness

Dachshunds in History: A Wonderful Swim

Gather 'round Dachshunds.  Gather 'round Rusty, go fetch Clancy, find Louie and fetch Pretzel.  Come here Fred and Ginger - hurry up now Pee Wee.  Where's Zeppelin and Sampson?  Get over here and bring Tommy and Bruno.  Rudy, Gina, Speckles, Hannah and all!  Now sit and pay attention - it's time for Dachshunds in History with Joey and Maggie.  Hush sweet puppies - and just listen:

A Wonderful Swim
Via The New York Journal, republished by JOHN H. WALLACE for Wallace's Monthly
February, 1885

Christian Augenschlager, a German immigrant, who arrived at New York in the steamer Westphalia from Hamburg, recently, met with such a startling surprise when he landed at Castle Garden that he fainted dead away, and it is feared that he will have to be sent back to Germany under the law which prohibits the Commissioners of Emigration from receiving insane immigrants.
When Augenschlager went on board the steamer at Hamburg he succeeded in smuggling his favorite Dachshund Blucher into the ship.  He had heard that there were foxes in the State of Wisconsin, where he was going, and he wanted his Dachshund to go into the foxes' holes and pull them out.
The body of the Dachshund was fully two and a half feet long, but the length of his legs was not more than six inches.  His body was a mixture of black and tan, and his forepaws stood out at right angles with his body.
Everything went well with Augenschlager and his Dachshund until one day the burlesque on the canine species escaped from the steerage, and was soon after found by the cook in the galley, helping himself to a huge piece of meat.  Augenschlager missed the dog just in time to run up on deck and see the cook drag Blucher by the tail to the ship's side and hurl him into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
Augenschlager had committed an offense in smuggling his Dachshund aboard the ship, and of course had nothing to say.  He merely went below and wept.
It was during the forenoon of Thursday, May 21st, that Augenschlager saw his dog thrown overboard.  On stepping ashore at Castle Garden Tuesday his attention was at once attracted to a dog that lay curled up and trembling on the corner of the dock, and which looked remarkably like his lost Dachshund.
"Komst du hier, Blucher!" said Augenschlager with a half stifled voice.
The dog responded by creeping up to Augenschlager's feet, for sure enough it was Blucher.
Augenschlager threw up his hands, exclaimed "Mein Lieber Gott!  It is Blucher's ghost!" and then swooned.  He was cared for by a fellow-passenger, as was also the Dachshund, which had manifested no surprise at all on meeting his master under such strange circumstances.  The unfortunate immigrant's talk became very wild and incoherent, and it is thought that he will become permanently insane.
News of the remarkable occurrence spread rapidly, and finally came to the ears of Ernest Picard, who was a passenger in the French steamer Normandie. which had arrived a few hours ahead of the Westphalia.
Picard said that on the afternoon of Thursday, May 21st, the Normandie ran into a whole "school" of icebergs.  The weather was foggy and the ship laid to or proceeded under low sail for several hours.  While the ship was at a standstill the attention of some of the sailors was attracted to a strange looking animal in the water, which was taken for a seal brought from the Arctic regions by one of the bergs.
The animal swam straight up to the ship's side and a sailor got down and easily pulled it in.  The animal was then found to be a German Dachshund, and what seemed strangest of all, he had in his jaws a beef's liver and lungs, commonly called the "pluck."
The Dachshund was Augenschlager's Blucher and the buoyant "pluck" which he had stolen from the galley of the Westphalia had helped him to keep afloat for nearly six hours.
The Normandie, after getting clear of the icebergs, passed the Westphalia, and Blucher was landed at Castle Garden with the rest of the passengers, in advance of those who came in the steamer from Hamburg.  He refused to follow Picard, who had "adopted" him, and remained on the dock, as if he expected his old master to arrive in due time.


Unrelated Image:  a Dachshund named Earl Satin, by Lilian Cheviot, 1906.

A Snow Day

Last night we got about three inches of snow that was followed by an evening of sleet and rain, so we woke up to icy crusted white stuff that Ferguson absolutely stuck his nose up at.  While trying to eliminate, his paws shook unsteadily as he tried to walk on the surface...so until they plow the sidewalk, there shall be no walk; this is a first since I've had Ferg.  However, I'm hoping it clears by later tonight so we can get at least one long walk in.  For now, he's entertaining himself with a compressed rawhide, the last one we have.  I'm glad I saved it for a rainy day. 

In other news, I went to the pet store yesterday to use the remaining $18 of my gift cards to buy something cool for Ferg, and settled on this:
I've hard mixed things about the tuffies toys, but figured that it would probably be great for Ferguson, despite its fairly expensive price.  They don't stand up well to dogs who chew until it's completely destroyed (cough cough LABRADORS! cough cough) but the way Ferg plays (for three minutes of crazy toss and play maybe twice a day) it seemed like it would work for him, as other toys not as sturdy have even been able to survive.  So far so good, and he loves that it squeaks.  When he gets in a goofy mood, it's the first toy he grabs :).  I will start collecting them, I think, whenever I get gift cards. 

I also actually finished my greyhound sweater that I'd been working on since May (!) and it actually fits Ferguson!  I took a picture with him in it, but I'm having technical difficulties getting it from my ipod to the computer (I've tried emailing it like ten times, never having it show up in any of the accounts).  So, when I figure it out, I'll have to post the picture.  It's not the best color for him, but it's still cute.  Now I'm just working on a band to wrap underneath to help keep it on, but it looks really adorable as it is :).  I'll have to find the pattern again and keep making them (hopefully at a faster rate than I have). 

Updates to come...

Those Special Dachshunds On Canvas: Meet Winnie!

Wow - what a beautiful painting of a beautiful little gal!  Thanks so much to 'Winnie' for sending it in!  She writes:

Dear Maggie and Joey, 

Wanted to share with you this great picture my human Mom had made of me.  I am a rescue from Pennsylvania.  My name is Winnie, I am 6 years old.  When Mom picked me up I was 4 lbs.  I am a whopping 5lbs right now so I be small my whole life.  I have a wonderful life now.  I am not too crazy about other dogs, other than my boy cousin Benny-Bob who lives with us now also. 
Mom wanted to share this great picture in case others wanted their dogs done also. Just e-mail her at sue.scott@rhomecare.com, and she will hook them up with the artist.  Her name is Margaret Williams-McGowan - she is famous for painting dogs. 

See you later, oh by the way we are really glad that Joey is better. 


Three Dachshunds Among 15 Animals Rescued From Living Hell on Long Island, New York

It pains us to post such stories, but thankfully these 15 animals will finally get the homes they deserve.  Via the New York Post:
Authorities rescued 15 emaciated, sick animals from a Rockville Centre home where Faith Ross, 54, and Francesca Maselli, 23, were living.
They also discovered the remains of 26 other animals, including eight cats, five ferrets, five parrots, and five dogs, police said. Dogs both living and dead were found with their muzzles taped shut.
Town of Hempstead officials were tipped to the squalid conditions by a complaint of odor emanating from the two-family house. National Grid was also called to respond to a gas leak.
When they finally made their way in, rescuers found six Chihuahuas, three Dachshunds, an English bulldog, a Yorkshire terrier, a boxer, and two cats among the survivors. Another pooch, a collie mix, was taken directly to an animal hospital for emergency care.
Ross and Maselli were arrested on animal cruelty charges. Ross’ landlord, who lives across the street, declined to comment.

If you care to read more, or see more photos, head over to the New York Post.

Rafa, The Sleep of the Just

Red smooth 'Rafa' is the new dude.  By youtuber dennyburkes

Close? Closer?

I went up to shower and did the now-standard of moving Niles next to Ferguson whilst leaving the TV on and giving him a stuffed kong.  While it took longer, he did start barking again about halfway through my shower.  The barking was not as frequent and panicked as usual though...more like a "Woof!...Woof woof woof woof!.................Woof..........."  I wonder if this would not have happened if:

a) He didn't know I was home.
b) If he'd gotten a walk first.
c) If I'd put his muzzle on him before putting him in the kennel

As always, as soon as he hears me come downstairs, regardless of whether he can see me or not, he stays quiet. I also ignore him for a few minutes before letting him out, making sure he is always calm and silent. 

We'll see.  Being frustrated and wanting to really work on this, I waited an hour, and then put him back in again.  He is always glad to go in his kennel, and regularly lays in their on his own accord even if I'm just sitting in the room with him.  I then practiced going into the basement, and returning for increasing amounts of time, catching him before he made a sound, and returning and giving him a treat for staying quiet.  This worked pretty well, and the time did get increased, and Niles was not even immediately next to him.  This counts as progress, right?

Jennifer had some great suggestions, as has Ferguson's booklet and foster, all of which I've been following as best I can, so hopefully it's just a matter of time before it takes care of itself.  It is my main goal to ensure that Ferguson can be left on his own for (reasonable) periods of time and happily sleep while he does it.  We can do it, Ferg!

On another note, the Pedi-paws dremel is awesome.  Ferguson has been awesome about so many things (never taking food that isn't his, not jumping on people, sleeping through the night, sleeping for most of the day, being extremely mellow with people and other animals, being easily redirected, etc.) but another thing to add to the list is how great he is at grooming.  He lays on the floor when I ask him to, and I roll him on his side and start to rub his belly.  Usually it is in this position that I'll brush him, or his teeth, or clip his nails, but today I decided to use the dremel tool we have, and it (and Ferg) were amazing!  He didn't move a muscle while I did a paw (why should he? He got treats for holding still ;) ), and his nails were all round and smooth afterwords...neato!  I'd recommend it to anyone will a calmer dog who doesn't mind the humming noise.

He's also great with his teeth getting brushed (he just licks the toothpaste while I brush), so he'll have sparkling white teeth and super smooth nails...while he stays home and cries like a baby for me.  ;)  Just kidding, Ferg.  We'll fix ya!

Improvement! I think...

We have continued practicing Ferguson's alone training, beginning this morning when Eric and I left him for 30 minutes while we went to McDonald's for breakfast.  When we returned, we returned to a very upset barking, panting, Fergus : /...I don't even know if he finished his peanut butter kong treat.  I decided to be diligent for the rest of the day.  We continued practice, while we would come and go. 

Later in the day, Eric's sister Meaghan came over to hang out with us, and we all took him for the mile walk before leaving him again to go to dinner (being gone for about an hour this time).  I gave him his usual peanut butter kong (which he usually seems enthusiastic about), but also dragged Nile's kennel with Niles in it next to him and left the TV on.  When we returned, I didn't hear any barking like we had in the morning (!), though he was panting somewhat...hopefully just a lesser stress reaction.  So!  Niles makes him feel less alone, it sounds like.  Hopefully as he gets to be more comfortable, he won't need Niles anymore, or can find the same comfort in a cat staying in the same room with him (or of course, eventually, another dog or two). 

Nile's active, animated nature makes him a great conversationalist to the other dogs around him...or rather, he bores them to death into actually sleeping until we get back. 

In any case, I'm proud of the progress that he's made for something he's been having such a hard time with :).  As I said before, I think he'll get it even more once we start going to work with all that mental stimulation to wear him out. 

In other news, Ferg still has no interest in running in his newly fenced backyard....only getting back inside.  This morning, it went sort of like this:

Me: "Okay, Ferg!  Go potty!"
Ferg: "Okay okay...." (walks to other end of the yard, does #2 before sprinting back in front of me). "I'm done!"
Me: "What?  You haven't peed."
Ferg: "Um...I don't have to."
Me: "Ferg. It's been eight hours.  You have to pee."
Ferg: "I can hold it."
Me: "You don't need to hold it.  We're right here."
Ferg: "No, I'm fine.  It's cold.  Let's go inside."
Me: *sighs* "No, Ferg." (puts on his leash and walks him to other side of yard)
Ferg: "Okay, OKAY..." (proceeds to pee for like three minutes straight).
Me: "Jesus!  I told you you had to pee!"
Ferg: "Yeah yeah yeah...I still coulda held it..."

Help Find Two Missing Dachshunds

Please keep an eye out for these guys if you live near this region in the UK.  Via the BBC News:  A woman's 4x4 containing her two puppies was stolen while she was at a funeral.  The owner, a woman in her 40s from Bristol, was at a funeral in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, when her Land Rover was taken last Thursday.  The two seven-month-old miniature Dachshund puppies, called Jack and Otto, were in a wire cage. Jack is a red, smooth-haired Dachshund and Otto is brindle in colour.

See more photos and keep up with the search on Facebook:  Two Missing Dogs Please Help

We're hoping Jack and Otto are back home soon.

Jack and Otto

The Vintage January Dachshund

We love to talk about the weather:  After the recent snow events in the southern parts of the United States and New England, 71 percent of the lower 48 states had snow or ice covering the ground. Every state except Florida reported some snow cover. Even Hawaii had snow, with 7 inches on the ground at the top of Mauna Kea.  What may be a more remarkable statistic than having 71 percent of the lower 48 states covered with snow is the depth of the snow across the country. The national average snow depth was 6.9 inches on Wednesday morning, which demonstrates just how snowy it has been this winter over much of the nation.  Source.

We're hoping all the good Dachshund moms and dads are keeping paths shoveled for us.

Calling All Girls, January, 1959

Alone Training Needs Some Work : /

Poor Ferguson had a rough day yesterday.  Supposedly he barked the whole six hours I was gone, even though he had a long walk and special food stuffed toys : /. 

However, I think it will be okay.  I know he really wasn't ready to be left that long, and these things take time and gradual exposure.  Luckily, now I have all the time in the world.  Fergus gets to come to work with me next Wednesday, and once we got on a regular schedule, I think that will help a ton too (like the first night we got him and he was just too exhausted to care what we did).  We'll start at 5 minutes at a time.  Plus, the fence people came today, so Ferguson will be able to run off some of his energy in the back yard, rather than relying solely on me for walks (don't worry, the walks will continue as usual...the yard will just help supplement).  I've also got great suggestions from fellow grey lovers, and his black kong should be coming in the mail in the next few days to serve as that special "I'M GOING IN MY KENNEL!" treat.  Over the summer, Freesia the black lab had pretty bad Separation Anxiety, and I was able to cure her of it over the course of a month.  I'm sure that a calmer, easier to tire out dog like Ferguson will be able to get it in no time.  I have faith in him :)  After all, he did great on the first night for an hour.  I'm sure he can do it again <3

In other news, Ferguson saw the upstairs today for the first time.  I walked him on a leash, preparing to help him on steps, but he did fantastic (thanks to his foster, Chris!).  He explored all the rooms and went down easy.  Otherwise, the fence people, as I mentioned, were here repairing our very broken fence.  However, this required making the inside of the house suffer a earthquake-like experience, which poor Ferguson did not like.  The wall near his kennel and dog bed started shaking like crazy (I thought the clock would fall off the wall), causing him to get up and retreat to the kitchen after giving it a "stop that!" bark over his shoulder.  I had to coax him back into the family room : / poor guy.  He seems pretty content now, chewing a toy on the floor next to me.  His foster was also right about his compressed rawhides...he goes through them like it's nothing.  I hope he likes nylabones just as much!

Anyway, I can't wait to see him run.  I'll walk him along the border so he knows what's what before we cut him loose...and I'll be sure to try to get a video (though it is a bit dark). 

Catching Up With Our Favorite Pop Stars

It's a new year, and if you're in the mood for some new music to get you through the day, you may as well start with pop stars who promote Dachshundism!  Kicking things off, thanks to our pals 'Franny' & 'Nina' for writing in about Edie Brickell's new self-titled LP which was released this Tuesday:

Hi Maggie and Joey!

We wanted to mention that we came across Edie Brickell's new self-titled album which features a cute little Dachshund on the cover.  Doxies are becoming so popular these days :)

'Max' and 'Basil'

Also thanks to Christopher Derer for writing in about Ms. Brickell's new album:

First off, I love your site!! I've been following your blog for a while and I'm always amazed by the quantity and quality of Dachshund material that you present. My wife and I have two smooth wieners in the family, Max and Basil, 11 and 10, respectively.  I hope your Joey is doing okay - thank you for the regular updates on his condition.  Anyway, I was just shopping for music and I came across something that you'll appreciate - it's the cover of Edie Brickell's new CD. Check out her website: Edie Brickell

We can't find that Edie and her husband, legend Paul Simon, have their own Dachshund, but if anyone has any more information, please leave a comment!

Coming January 24th, (in the UK - probably a February US release date) it's the release of Dachshund lover Adele's new album, titled 21.  Thanks to Dax ♥ for letting us know the name of her Dachshund!  She writes:  Adele has got a red mini smooth Dachshund, his name is Louie... Her new single is amazing, the new album will be awesome!   Read about Adele and listen to her new single in Shout Out From Adele.  We've been hearing her great new song all over the place - even at the local grocery store!  We'll try to post another reminder when the new album is released.

And finally, former American Idol winner Carrie Underwood and her husband, NHL player Mike Fisher, have adopted a Dachshund mix from their local shelter:

Underwood told a Seattle radio station that she and her hubby have taken in a new dog as a companion to their chihuahua, Ace, who served as ring bearer at the couple’s wedding last summer.
“Her name is Penny, because she’s copper,” Underwood told radio station KMPS.
“She’s actually a shelter mutt, but she’s at least half Dachshund.”  Source.

Keep up with Carrie at her official website.
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