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Home » , , , » Dachshund Relaxation: Diving Dachshund is CRAZY about Swimming!

Dachshund Relaxation: Diving Dachshund is CRAZY about Swimming!

If I should take a notion
To jump into the ocean
Ain't nobody's business if I do ~ Billie Holiday

via youtuber Verysupercool who notes:

Martin, a.k.a. Mr. Paddles, is CRAZY for the water! When he is near water he can not help but to bark and/or cry with delight... and then dive in! We adopted our boy Martin from Central Texas Dachshund Rescue. He has a bad heart, and he's on lots of medication, but he still LOVES to swim. He can't swim nearly as much as he used to, but it he can get a few dives in and paddle around the pool for a few minutes, he is one very happy boy!

There are lots more dogs like Martin online. Please consider adopting or donating to Central Texas Dachshund Rescue.

Have an awesome Friday!
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