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The Citronella Collar

This video was recorded early this afternoon, and is the first time Ferguson's ever worn a Citronella collar.  Overall, I am pretty happy with how it worked.  Though it seems long and lapsed over a long period of time, it was no more than 20 minutes in total...I just edited it. (yeah, that's how much of a baby he is about being left, even when I'm still in the house!), he did not bark anymore than the two times seen in the video.  I ran out of film, but when I came downstairs, he was curled up with his head down in the back of his kennel (how he normally sleeps at night).  He seemed much more relaxed and was not panting as he usually is when I return to him after any length of time, and remained calm even after let out.  After getting a drink of water, he even went back into his kennel to lay there while I watched TV, so he has no fears of the kennel what so ever.  Originally, I was afraid that the collar would be too harsh, but he didn't seem to have any serious anxiety about it (more than just being alone...the pacing and panting you see is what he does all the time).  So, hurray!  Also, you can't see in the camera, but Niles's kennel is right next to his, so he isn't even totally alone.  Hopefully the collar continues to work even if we go out for longer periods of time, as opposed to me just going upstairs to shower.  Updates to come soon!
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