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More praise for Ferguson

Another day spent relaxing with my pal.  March marks the second month Ferguson has lived with me, so I figured another list of love was in order. 

1. Ferguson is the BEST walker in the world.  Even if I drop the leash and just have him slip-knotted on my wrist, he stays right by my side and checks in a lot.  When we're off leash, he still heels perfectly.  This is not something I take for granted with all the dogs I have to walk in a day at work (none are even close to being that good naturally). 

2. He is polite when it comes to soaking up attention.  He walks around hoping to be pet, takes what he can get, but as soon as I stop petting him, he knows I'm done and heads to his bed.  He also never demands to be pet (at least from me). 

3. Ferguson doesn't question my authority.  While he can be stubborn, once he knows I am more stubborn, he drops it and never brings it up again. 

4. While he is polite to others, there is no doubt that he is my dog.  He only strives to follow me (unless specifically asked to stay), and is as loyal as anyone could ask of a dog.  I only hope that once we live with Eric, he'll care for him just as much :). 

5. He doesn't mark.  Though this morning he appeared to make a potential curious motion towards the stone wall (No, Ferg, no!!!! Stay pure!!!!), it isn't something he naturally does...at least not yet.  Even so, it will stay this way, and I don't take it at all for granted that he doesn't already have this habit (I feel it's way easier to prevent than treat). 

6. His back nails are clear.  While it'd be better for them ALL to be clear, I'll take what I can get. 

7. He looks great in teal (one of my favorite colors). 

8. He is not destructive, even when stressed.  Even if internalizing things aren't the best (poor guy...but he is not stressed too often). 

9. Even when placed in the total unfamiliar, he retains his cool and trusts me to take care of it.  He might shrink down a little bit, but pushes forward and keeps steady until he relaxes completely. 

10. He has the most adorable ears that perk up at noises, and the most adorable "fang" teeth that stick out juuuuust a teensy bit from under his jowls. 

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