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Follow-up Friday: Cherry Blossoms and Party Dog Photos

I'm glad to be joining Heart Like a Dog in the Follow-up Friday blog hop again this week.  The is the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.  Hosted by FUF creator, Jodi, at Heart Like a Dog .

I think spring has finally arrived in the Ozarks.  So much blooming goodness with the fruit trees, quince, forsythia, and flowers, too.  I can't resist sharing a photo of one of my cherry trees in full blossom.

The west side of our backyard is lined with redbud and dogwood trees.  They've got fat buds and I can hardly wait!

Tripawd Dog Mandela Deserves a Forever Home
Imagine the horror of your foot rotting off because you have a compound fracture in your leg.  Plus, you're starving and homeless.  Stray Rescue of St Louis saved Mandela's life, but he still needs a loving forever home.  Thanks to those of you who shared this post.

Mischief Monday: Party Photos and KONG Winners
Congratulations again to our winners!  Jeffie, Rudy and Rosie wished they could enter because they LOVE these new all natural KONG Jerky dog treats!

Can you believe the pawesome party photos?!  Wow, is this ever fun!  You can catch up on the party now on our Jeffie's Birthday Party page (see below for link.) 

Good Dog Take Outs Treats New Flavors: Enter Now!
You've still got time to enter the giveaway for your choice of two flavors of Good Dog Take Outs dog treats.  These are good!  And, yes, they have cat treats, too!

I need to buy some more hats for my dogs.  I love dogs in hats!  I used to dream of finding a little black derby for Tucker, but never did, dog-gone it.

Yes, all three dogs wore their party hats for both taste testing sessions (KONG Jerky treats and Good Dog Take Outs.)  Seriously, the whole time.  We did have to do a bit of hat adjusting when the party became a little, well, not rowdy, but...   there was a lot of jockying for good position, if your know what I mean.

The interesting thing is that Rudy actually seems to enjoy getting "dressed up."   All three dogs forgot all about the hats when the treats were at stake!  Most of the time, Rosie's hat was hanging from around her neck, but she looks pretty cute with it on, too.

Jeffie's First Construction Project
The Dog Daddy took a walk down memory lane with this little story about Jeffie's puppy days.  Too bad I don't have any photos of Jeffie helping the Dog Daddy water.  Jeffie always carried the hose!

Jeffie's Birthday Party Pet Photo Contest
Join in the fun!  Here are some more fantastic party dogs!  

Fetch the Jeffie's Birthday Party page for more.  Enter your pet(s) photo(s) for a chance to win an Amazon.com gift card.  Get the details here.  Party hats are not required and Photoshopped photos are fine.  There's plenty of time - contest deadline is April 27.

Jeffie was thrilled with Gizmo's birthday greeting!
Rosie is hoping for some double zoomies!
 Isn't Misaki gorgeous in this beautiful birthday card?!

 Looks like Rita is having a really good time at the party!

 Toby brought along some other party animals (who shall be nameless)

 Jack & Maggie, the dogs from SlimDoggy just arrived and they brought cake!  Hurry and eat some before Jack eats the whole thing!

Emma, the GBGV, asks:  Did you order a present?

As you can see, its been a busy week at Talking Dogs!  We have more party fun planned, including a giveaway of a piece of For Love of a Dog jewelry!

Now, why don't you join the Follow-up Friday blog hop and tell us what you've been up to!

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