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Wallet troubles again...

^What we hope he'll look like once his coat arrives
Ohh Ferguson.

Our move, due to personal reasons, has become a gradual thing with frequent visitations to the new house. Ferguson seems fine when he's at the house; he plays, he listens well to commands, etc. However, his anxiety has to show up somewhere, and unfortunately tends to manifest itself in the big D. It's come and gone, but presently, for no apparently reason, it's returned (it went away after a day or two, but we've not been back to the house for almost a week). Hurray for yet another day of skipping breakfast and having a bland diet of rice/chicken.

I think this new environment anxiety will calm down the more often we visit, but for him, it really depends on the day. Ferguson can now reliably be left out in the house (confined to the kitchen and family room) and only complains for a moment before settling down once you've left. I think that while he has learned to be quiet, he has also learned to internalize his issues, some on bad days, it comes out in other ways...literally.

At work, I was reading all about Thundershirts and gave in. There is a money back guarantee, and I think I'll know pretty quickly if it works or not. For some people, it seems to work wonders for their insanely anxious/upset dogs...I'm wondering if it will help take the edge off of my already usually acceptable dog. If it does make him feel any better, I think it'd be worth it. We shall see though.

From work, I also invested in a plug-in pheromone dog thing. This also has a money-back guarantee if I see no difference in him. Mostly, this is all to help him adjust to new places with less anxiety faster. It does make me miserable when I sense his anxious energy...we then just reflect off of one another, making it an unpleasant experience all together.

I feel bad complaining, because he is SO much better than in the past, since he's actually quiet, but I would feel even better if I knew he was relaxed, as opposed to tense, for the duration that I am gone. If nothing else, as I often remind myself, I will have these things to use for future dogs that I foster/adopt.

Man, I can't wait to get a cat, where I'll get to start ALL over with buying products. Hopefully by then though, the love of my life, Eric, will be with me to contribute mutually to the feline cause.

Hope it works for ya, buddy.
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