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The Never Ending Story

And so the saga continues.  First off, thanks again for all your love and support for your 'Long and Short of it All' host Joey in his recovery after his bilateral adrenalectomy, and the complications which ensued.  Honestly, it means more than you'll ever know.  We wish his story would have had a happy ending by now, but a week after his surgery, it goes on.
Yesterday was another ruff day.  After being discharged from the veterinary specialty center on Monday, when he was eating and doing fine, he wasn't in the best of shape just a few hours afterwards.  We should have recognized this fact when he refused to eat a small piece of cheese which was offered to him when we stopped at a friends house, before he even came home.  From yesterday's update, he had vomited several times at about four in the morning on Tuesday, and so off to the local veterinary emergency clinic he went.  He received fluids while there, and we then transported him to his regular vet at about 9 AM (not the specialty center where he had his surgery).
Once at his regular vet's office, he didn't seem much better.  He was salivating when he was removed from the car, pointing towards the fact that he was still nauseous (he was on meds to help prevent him from vomiting), and that he was probably also dehydrated.  He was withdrawn and looked quite depressed.   After spending a good hour with his regular vet, we discussed the fact that Joey has really hardly eaten anything in a week's time, and it didn't seem like he would be magically better by 6 PM that day when Dad could pick him up from work, and he wasn't well enough to be left unobserved at his regular vet's office overnight.  If he would need Total Parenteral Nutrition at any point soon, that was something which was beyond the scope of the regular vet's practice. 
So, after visiting two vet offices in the morning, it was off to the third, back up the veterinary specialty center for Joey, where he has been admitted again.  The thought is that his digestive tract has been out of commission for so long, that it doesn't really want to move the food through, so he has been started on a medication to help with that.  His pancreatitis is probably flaring up again as well, but his amylase/lipase values really haven't changed. 
He was running a slight fever last night.  This morning he is "OK."  The good news is that his labs look good, he has had no vomiting, and that he has drank a little water and kept it down.  But he will not eat.  Hoping to have a better update tomorrow.
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