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Time is the Wisest Counsellor of All

We're having a bit of a writer's block today, we're not sure where to start or where to finish.  Joey was very sick when Maggie went and visited him in the hospital, which was the primary reason for her visit.  We can't bring ourselves to go into the sordid details, but suffice to say it was almost all over for him.  The docs did an ultrasound of his pancreas to get a better picture of what is going on, and the result is that his pancreas is "really messed up" as a post-surgical complication.  There is a possibility that his pancreas may also have a blood clot which has lodged there.  Hopefully by not allowing food and water, his pancreas can rest and heal itself.
Joey has not really eaten anything since Monday a week ago (the day before his surgery), so he is obviously very weak, and restricting food at this point (not that he would keep it down), is not an option, so he has been started on TPN, Total Parenteral Nutrition, or intravenous feed.  In order for this to happen, Joey had to have a central IV line placed in his jugular, and the line goes very near his heart.  It could become infected, or it could make him throw another clot, but it was his only option to administer the TPN.  They tried to access a large vein in his hind leg instead of running the risk of the jugular access, and then the tube would run far into his body, but the short little legs of a Dachshund would not allow the tube to be placed.
And so it's another wait-and-see adventure for Joey.  He is doing better than he was when Maggie visited him, so all the prayers and well-wishes are working, and so appreciated.  Now we wait and give him time for his pancreas to heal.  The doc said we will know more in two or three days, and gives him a 60-70% chance of pulling through this complication.  We're banking on those odds coupled with all the good will in his general direction that he will heal. 
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