Health, vitality and a long dog's life depends not least on the right diet. What does it take and what foods can make dogs sick, white veterinarian Dr. Volker Wienrich.
Dogs are omnivores - like us humans. This property of our faithful companions have inherited from their ancestors, the wolves. The wild "self" not only eat the meat of hunted prey, but their innards, including the contents of the stomach and intestines. They also take on phytonutrients such as roots and grasses. The wolf as the dog is therefore: 1 Optimal performance requires optimal nutrition. Second Good food is the foundation for health, performance and longevity. Third Improper diet can make you sick.
How much does my dog ??need?
It is important that adequate supplies of energy in all life stages. This is based on his life situation. If the dog is athletic, active, he is held in the open or in the house? Questions that should be answered before any keeper. An active dog, for example, needs more, a quiet dog less food. As a rough rule of thumb is this: An adult dog without special loads required daily per kilogram of his body mass about 57 kcal feed. For small breeds, the values ??are slightly higher. Puppies need about 100 to 170 kcal, breeding females in the second half of S�ugeleistung even 100 to 300 kcal. Older dogs need less often, very old dogs then a little more energy in the feed.
What should be in it?
When finished feed the right pet for your own calculation is quite simple: One is based on the information provided by the manufacturer and expects about 10 percent less feed than indicated. With home-made rations careful calculation of the nutrient content by using tables in the relevant literature is the only way. And do not forget the treats in between. Even in dog biscuits stick calories!
Protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements are the main nutrients that should be included in a good dog food. They provide energy that your dog needs for the preservation of all life functions.
Protein has the purpose to establish the body tissue and strengthen. The information contained in protein amino acids are essential for the dog's body. Of them there are 25th 12 of which are essential for the dog, which means he can not build it yourself. Meat is a particularly high-quality source of protein. Its protein content is at least 18 percent of the fresh-and about half of them in the dry matter. Fish is also a good alternative. In addition, the lining of the sea has a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D, which, however, are only present in fresh fish. Vitamin D in fish meal and oils were removed.
Fats consist of glycerol and fatty acids and provide essential acids, vitamins (A, D, E and K) and give the dog energy. Linoleic acid is essential for the dog. Of particular importance is some unsaturated fatty acids because they have an influence on the immune and inflammatory responses. Dogs require vegetable oils and animal fats, both of which should be included in the dog food. Note: The fat content in food must be clearly behind other energy sources such as protein or carbohydrates are. Otherwise it leads to obesity.
Carbohydrates are mainly from plants and are made up of sugar molecules. They are used for energy and through cell structure required and regulate the intestinal motility, are indeed a useful, but not absolutely vital part of the canine diet. Carbohydrates are the main supplier of grain and potatoes. Domesticated animals are often served baked goods. Since dogs do not need a lot of carbohydrates, any commercial dry food, but at least one carbohydrate source, contains a shortage here has rather rare.
Note: barley, spelled, rye, millet, oats can not be broken even dogs, so these grains should be soaked overnight and the next day, briefly boiled. Best tolerated dogs cereals crushed flaked like oatmeal or millet flakes. Grain in dog food should always be wholesome, not peeled.
Vitamins and trace elements are not from the body itself, and dogs are also vital. While it is not sufficient to feed from each of the nutrients in each case only a calculated minimum. After all, between the recorded nutrients, there are many interactions. Often administered too little can lead to nutrient that other nutrients can not be sufficiently utilized by the body. Conversely, it can lead to serious health consequences if certain nutrients are fed in too large quantities. And finally, in many diseases, including special feeding programs (diet) therapy. From these correlations show that a unilateral meat diet is not enough for the dog, but even harmful.
Junk food: dry or canned?
Whether out of insecurity, lack of time or convenience - if dog is hungry, 84 percent of dog owners engage in junk food shelf, a study by consultancy BBE. Moreover, in single and small households are often less from food scraps that were meant for the dog in the past, because today is cooked rare in households themselves. Not to worry: In dry and wet food so called all the necessary nutrients. Typical wet food contains about 80 percent water, forage below 10 percent. This means that with a seemingly small amount of dry food can be fed quickly too! Because dry food is due to the low water content concentrated five times higher, namely the dog gets a lot faster to high amounts of nutrients and energy in particular. One danger in canned food is possibly the high protein content. Be careful.
By the way: Finished feed vitamins are found in very high quantities. Whether contained vitamins naturally or are synthesized artificially, you can see from the declaration: Will they be listed under "composition", they were added artificially, of course, contained vitamins are found only in the analysis.
Good - better than good intentions
When feeding "off the table" is the risk of non-balanced diet, unless it is complemented by mineral feed. On administration of junk food, you should on no account give additional minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and chloride. Particularly dangerous is an excess supply of calcium during growth. Calcium can be found mainly in milk and dairy products, but also in bone and eggshells. In high meat content in a home-cooked diet, however, due to excessive supply of phosphorus. This must be carefully calculated, what additives are correct. Shares in phosphorus can be found in dairy products, in meat, fish and grains.
Much drinking is important - even for dogs
Dehydration is in contrast to the starvation death in dogs within a few days. The required daily fluid intake clearly differs when feeding wet or dry food. At a dose of wet food (canned or your own kitchen) is the daily water ration at about 5 to 10 ml per kilogram of body weight, you should look at a feeding dry food that significantly more (40-50 ml) is drunk.
Is my dog's diet that he needs?
A properly nourished dog appear vital, he has a smooth, shiny coat, normal defecation and urination. The dog should have strong teeth, healthy gums and breath odor. The eyes should be clear and shiny nose clean, smooth and moist. The vitality of the dog provides information about the quality and balance his diet.
Over or under weight can be assessed by sampling. If the ribs are easy to feel, but they are visible under the skin, it should be the normal weight achieved. To check for deviations down (rarely comes before) or upward (more commonly known) is regular weighing important. As a comparison of the so-called standard weights races are less suitable. It compares better with a normal weight, same size and similar build dog. It is even better if the original normal weight of the past is known.
How many meals a day are useful?
Dogs should be fed once or twice a day and then have a rest period of several hours. For the different age groups and also different amounts of services are needed for energy and nutrients. The situation is similar with the protein values ??and other ingredients.
What if the dog eats too much or too little?
The "eternal beggar" at the table, you should not give better! It's a big mistake to believe that dogs beg, because it torments of hunger. This has genetic causes: The leader of the pack in the pack gets the loot. He gives the other wolves on it and stands out in this way. This is exactly what the begging dog. And since there is rarely a pack, he just eats itself on everything.
Serious the matter is, if one's dog will not eat. Often an illness is behind it, and a thorough veterinary examination is necessary. Nothing is found there, and the dog in front of his nitpicks further cup, it can be considered when dog owners to change the flavor of the food. Some dogs love honey, others warmed, stirred by feed fat. Salmon and cod liver oil are also popular flavor enhancer when the dog refuses his food (after a funeral). Although targeted starving for days does not help, as rescue picks liverwurst. Some of it simply Unters feed mix.
What does good food?
An optimal diet is one of the most important prerequisites for a dog lives long while healthy. However many diseases are influenced by poor diet, such as Obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, skeletal and joint disorders, kidney disease and even cancer. It does not depend on the unique feeding vaunted "miracle substances", but to the best overall regular diet of the dog.
Any disruption can trigger the disease. The example of the disease of cancer, are formed in the body in dogs constantly degenerated cells, the body needs the corresponding substances from the diet, so that the immune system can destroy these cells. Look for good food in the bowl, and "spoil" it better not from chocolate or eternal Happen table. Devote yourself to him rather in a healthy way: Go for a walk or play ball with him. This creates nearby, doing good for your health and that of your dog anyway.