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Jeffie's Birthday Party: The Grand Finale

Hang on, Jeffie.  Your birthday party is not over quite yet!

What a party!

We've had treats, played some party games, told some Jeffie stories and more. 

I don't know about you, but we've had a whole lot of fun!  

For a review and to see the absolutely wonderful party dog photos, fetch Jeffie's Birthday Party page.

And if you thought the fun was over... there's still some fun to be had!

Jeffie received a very special birthday gift from none other than Oz The Terrier!

Oz the Terrier

Yup!  That's right!  Jeffie inspired a limerick 
from the great and powerful poet, Oz!

Happy Birthday to Jeffie the Retriever mix!
He turned seven this month, not six.
Though he hates change of any kind,
being one year older he doesn't mind
as he knows an old dog can still learn new tricks.

Now, what you've all been waiting for.  Drumroll, please.

And the winners are...

Theresa S was chosen by Rafflecopter as the winner of the Dog Mom Bracelet Giveaway from For Love of a Dog.  Congratulations, Theresa!  Please send your wrist measurement and shipping address to sue (at) forloveofadog (dot) comIf I don't hear from Theresa, within 48 hours, an alternate winner will be chosen.

Ann at Pawsitively Pets is the winner of the random.org drawing in the All About Jeffie Quiz participants and will be receiving these dog lover earrings from For Love of a Dog.  Congratulations, Ann!  Please send your shipping address to me at the email address above.
It's a good thing for Ann that the winner did not have to score the highest in correct answers to the quiz!  However, Chris at Saved By Dogs beat everyone else by a mile!  She missed only one question, so Jeffie insists that she'll be receiving a pair of earrings, too.

I wish Jeffie could afford to give a prize to every single participant in the Jeffie's Birthday Party Pet Photo Contest.  (He says he's saving all his pennies to buy more KONG Premium Jerky and Good Dog Take Outs dog treats.)

All the party photos are fabulous, but Jodi at Heart Like a Dog was the lucky winner of the Amazon.com $25 gift card in the random.org drawing. Congratulations, Jodi!  Each party photo was assigned a number according to when I received it.  Here's Jodi's lucky photo number 25 of Sampson:

UPDATE:  WE HAVE A NEW WINNER IN THE PHOTO CONTEST!  Jodi messaged me first thing this morning to say:  "... while I'm truly grateful and thankful, I really feel since I won the monkey earrings, that the gift card should go to someone else.  I would just like to pay it forward, you know. :-) "  What a kind and gracious winner!

So, as I told Jodi, luckily I saved the Random.org results and the next number on the list belongs to Christine K.

CONGRATULATIONS TO CHRISTINE K and here's her winning photo of Granite:

Who was it that said:  All good things must come to an end?  They were right about this party.  Thanks to everyone who participated in any way.  It just wouldn't have been a party without you!

Monday Mischief: Herons, Rain, Hobbits, Dog Photos

Between Mother Nature and birthday celebrations, the past few days have been filled with mischief at our house.  

We've been in such a drought for so long that I've sworn to not complain about rain.  However, it is getting harder by the (rainy) day not to shout to the heavens:  Give us some sunshine!   

The dogs are either soaking wet and muddy as can be from venturing out, or bored silly.  (Thank Dog for our Soggy Doggy doormat and shammy!)


With the creek flooding - just a bit - into the yard, Rudy has been frogging, but coming up empty so far.  Our white heron visitor (shown above) has been a real frustration to the dogs.  With the rain pouring down, they couldn't go out to get a closer look. Since the heron is a symbol of patience and going with the flow, I've decided Mother Nature is sending us a message.

We've also been celebrating the Dog Daddy's birthday.  He's a huge fan of The Hobbit.  I'm not a fan. At all.  I pretty much have been making mischief on myself, by enduring a Hobbit film festival.  We began with The Hobbit, then each of the Lord of the Rings movies.  Yep.  Something like 12 hours or so, along with assorted movie treats, for 4 nights.   If this was not an act of pure love on my part, I don't know what would be!

I'm beginning to get ready for the last day of Jeffie's birthday celebration. We'll be announcing the winners of the Dog Mom bracelet giveaway, Jeffie's birthday quiz, and the photo contest tomorrow!   When this is all wrapped up, I'll get busy with a slide show of our party celebration!

In the meantime...

More guests have arrived at Jeffie's Birthday Party!
 Luna has on her party dress for Jeffie's birthday celebration!

Wheatie looks like he's having fun!

Jake Castelli has his party hat on & wishes Jeffie a Happy Birthday!
 Just look at this sweet greeting from Artie!  
Artie celebrated his first Gotcha Day yesterday!

We've joined Monday Mischief today - the pet blog hop that wraps up the weekend!  This Blog Hop is brought to you by Alfie's Blog, Snoopy's Dog Blog, and My Brown Newfies.

Adopt a Dog: Tango is a Dalmatian Mix

Tango is a Dalmatian mixed breed dog available for adoption from the Humane Society of Missouri in St Louis.  Animal shelter staff believe Tango is about 3 years old.

A beautiful boy, Tango is already neutered and up to date on vaccinations.  He's a friendly, good natured fellow who loves to go for walks and pay outside.  

Tango is very eager to please and is really hoping to find his forever home soon.

Take a look at Tango's adoption video below.

For more information about Tango, contact the Humane Society of Missouri at 314-647-8800.  Her ID number is A480658.

We're participating in the Tuesday Tails Blog Hop.  This is the Blog Hop that features shelter animals. Find a cat or dog at your local animal shelter and feature them on this Blog Hop! Come join the fun and help a furry friend find a forever home!

Dog Song Saturday: Billy-G by Derek Luttrell

If its Saturday, then its time for a dog song at Talking Dogs!  Today we have another genuine original song about a dog.  Composed and performed here by Derek Luttrell, Billy-G tells the story of a rescue dog.

Billy-G lived as a stray near the Natural History Museum in downtown Los Angeles.  This poor six month old puppy had to figure out how to survive.  What a lucky boy he was that he was rescued and taken to Hope For Paws!  This music video shows the actual footage of that rescue.  We love happy stories, don't you?!

So, grab a dog.  Sit.  Stay.  Relax and enjoy Billy-G by Derek Luttrell.

Fetch more dog song music videos at Talking Dogs and be sure to scroll down below today's selection to explore some barking good blogs in today's pet blogger hop.

Follow-up Friday: Spring, Dogs Barking, Birthday Giveaways

I'm glad to be joining Heart Like a Dog in the Follow-up Friday blog hop again this week.  This is the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.  Hosted by FUF creator, Jodi at Heart Like a Dog and co-hosted this week by JoAnn Stancer at Sand Spring Chesapeakes.

Wow, Jeffie's birthday celebration is almost over!  I can't believe how fast this month has flown by.   On the last day of April, I'll announce the winners of three giveaways, plus we'll have a special surprise.  And then I'll have to go back to "normal" blogging.  LOL

While we've been partying, Mother Nature has given us spring to enjoy.  Lots of lovely warm day and beautiful blossoms.  The dogs are thrilled, and so is Skeeter.  Great weather for Jolly ball, frisbe, rowdy play and sun bathing.

Rosie has learned about the lawn mower.  Unlike Jeffie, so far she has not tried to rescue the rider/driver from that scarey loud machine! 

Before I forget... if you'd like an invitation to join Pack, let me know.  I have some to share.  If you haven't heard of Pack, click the link and check out this cool new site!  

My Best Friend, The Dog Song: Dog Song Saturday
I'm including this today simply because it is a fabulous song for dog lovers! 

Redbone Coonhound Lab Mix Adoptable Dog
Including this today because this beautiful dog still needs a home.

Mischief Monday: Ducks, Geese and Dogs
Okay, I really do have some follow-up for this post.  So much that I'm planning to write a future blog post, or two, related to this one.

I feel as though I should share some kind of special dog training tips.  However, I don't have any.  Our dogs are very eager to please us.  They understand the word "no." They understand when we tell them not to bark.

We live in the country.  On a farm.  That includes other animals - both domesticated and wild.  Its important to us that all of our own critters get along for both safety reasons and peace of mind. 
Our dog, Sherman, loved our geese.
We've had domesticated geese, ducks and chickens of our own in the past.  None of our dogs were ever allowed to bark at them or threaten them in any way.  We could have fowl in the future, so there's no reason to allow barking at the wild fowl and let our dogs learn that bad habit.

Plus, part of the joy of living beyond the sidewalks is enjoying nature and wildlife.  We like seeing the herons come in to fish for breakfast.  The ducks are fun to watch, too.  It won't be long before the hawks that live in the woods on our property line will begin teaching their young to hunt.  Frankly, we don't want to miss that.  And we would miss all that and more if our dogs barked them all away.

Bark at preditors?  You betcha.  Bark at the critters that never aim to do us harm?  Nope, no thanks.  Not here.

Dog Mom Bracelet from For Love of a Dog Jewelry: Enter Now!
Just a reminder...  if you'd like to win this Dog Mom bracelet, enter via the Rafflecopter.  Perfect timing for Mother's Day!

Wordless Wednesday: Jeffie the Puppy Prisoner
Seriously, we kind of regret Jeffie's time-outs behind the baby gate.  We think it has contributed to his separation anxiety.  

All About Jeffie Quiz Contest - Win Earrings
This little party game is just for fun and you could win these For Love of a Dog earrings!   This is the final giveaway in Jeffie's birthday celebration. Ears aren't pierced?  No problem, they can be changed to clip ons for the winner!


More pawesome friends 
have arrived at Jeffie's birthday party!

Lila the Boston Terrier and her kitty sister, PJ, are ready to party!

 Hurry!  There's still time to enter Jeffie's Birthday Party Photo contest!
Winner of the random drawing will win a $25 Amazon.com gift card.

All About Jeffie Quiz Contest - Win Earrings!

What fun is a birthday party without party games?  

Gotta have a game, right?

With a prize, of course!

During our month long celebration of Jeffie's 7th birthday, we've told you about Jeffie.

And we've shown you some photos of our beautiful boy.

Now its time to see what you remember!  

Take a moment to complete the All About Jeffie Quiz and you'll be entered to win a pair of For Love of a Dog hand crafted dog lover earrings.
Its easy and fun!

Take the All About Jeffie Quiz here.

One winner will be selected at random via Random.org.  
Winner must have a US or Canada shipping address.  
(Sorry, blame the USPS for hiking fees for International packages.)

Winner will be announced here on our Talking Dogs blog on Tuesday, April 30.

Here's what the winner will receive:

Perfect for any dog lady!  Chubby turquoise gemstone hearts freely dangle from three dimensional light tan glass dog bones.  

Silver accents, including leverback earring findings.   If the winner prefers clip on or french hooks, I'll make the change before shipping.

Rosie wants to know:
What are you waiting for?  Take the quiz and enter!

Wordless Wednesday: Jeffie the Puppy Prisoner

Jeffie, the prisoner

 Being confined to the mudroom didn't seem to keep Jeffie awake.


Mostly, though, our little prisoner just wanted O.U.T.

Not only was Jeffie a Cush Dog, he was also a third wheel.  You know that saying about two's company, three's a crowd?  That's how Tucker and Lucy felt about Jeffie.  They were not exactly thrilled.  

When we couldn't be attentive, we put Jeffie in the mudroom, safe and secure behind a baby gate.

He didn't think much of that and we refer to these photos as:  The Prisoner.

We're still celebrating Jeffie's 7th birthday party!
Join us for the giveaways and stay for the fun! 

This week our giveaway is a 
Dog Mom dog lover bracelet from For Love of a Dog.  

Dog Mom Bracelet from For Love of a Dog Jewelry: Enter Now!

Jeffie's gala 7th birthday party is in full swing and we have another giveaway contest for you!

This one is special because we're not just celebrating Jeffie's birthday.  We're also getting reading to celebrate Mother's Day!

If you're reading this blog, chances are... you're a dog mom, right?

And you like to tell the world about your special fur-baby, right?

Have we got a barking good giveaway for you!

Enter to win this one of a kind Dog Mom bracelet from For Love of a Dog Jewelry!

This handmade Dog Mom bracelet features a handmade porcelain ceramic dog bone in deep sky blue that proclaims:  DOG MOM.  Its surrounded by big clear sparkling crystal rondelle beads and sky blue Czech glass beads.  All hand wire wrapped with silver jeweler's wire.  

A charming silver dog collar and dog bone toggle clasp adds just the right touch.  The winner will need to let me know their exact wrist size so this bracelet can be custom sized to fit.

Follow the instructions with the Rafflecopter below to enter.  (Sorry, this giveaway is open only to those with a US or Canada shipping address.)

While you're in the contest mood, be sure to enter Jeffie's Birthday Party Pet Photo Contest!  You could win a $25 gift certificate to Amazon.com

Disclosure:  This For Love of a Dog Jewelry bracelet was created by me for Jeffie's birthday party giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Mischief Monday: Ducks, Geese and Dogs

If you asked the dogs, they'd say that there's plenty of mischief going on at our pond.  A flock of ducks flew in and have been having a high time swimming, splashing, and generally just doing what ducks do.  There are sometimes as many as 12, but usually 6-8 that spend their days here.  Nights, too, sometimes. 

They've been joined by a pair of local wild geese.  This pair frequently visits us and we were surprised that they didn't mind the newcomers.

In fact, at first glance we first wondered if the geese had brought early goslings along with them.

Nope, those are the ducks peacefully swimming with the geese.

Rosie didn't know what to make of the whole situation and the strange gathering of critters.  She sought the safety of the deck, where she could just watch.

Rudy, onn the other hand, likes to get upfront and personal.  It drives him crazy that these fowl are soooo close and he couldn't get to them.  AND he was told not to bark.

"The ducks and geese are our friends, Rudy.  We like the them!"

Rudy never barked at them, but as you can see from his "full alert" stance, he sure wanted to.  Pretty sure he'd like nothing better than to chase them.

And what was the birthday boy, Jeffie, doing?  Just doop-dee-dooping around the yard.  Guess he thought they were just more birthday party guests!

We've received so many fabulous photos for Jeffie's Birthday Party Pet Photo Contest, that I'm going to share some today, plus announce the lucky winners in the Good Dog Take Outs dog treat giveaway!

Bren L, Kate V, Dogmama, Shelbie J, Jackie B, and Sharon G! 
You've won your choice of two flavors of Good Dog Take Outs pet treats!  I've already sent you an email asking for your selections and shipping address.  Note:  I need to hear from the winners within 48 hours or alternates will be chosen.

Jeffie, Rudy and Rosie love Good Dog Take Outs dog treats and hope you do, too!

More dogs have arrived at Jeffie's Birthday Party!  Plus, you should take a look at some of the outtakes of Rita's birthday greetings for Jeffie.

Delilah (above) and Sampson (below) from Heart Like a Dog arrived 
with these pawesome birthday greetings for Jeffie!
Granite has his party hat on and already has a little frosting on his nose!
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