What a day it was. I think Ferguson and I are still a bit worn out from it!
There was lots of good food, music, and of course, a ton of greyhounds. Unfortunately, with all the excitement, my camera was not as handy for the best parts :(. But, Ferguson did get to run, wade in water, and collapse in a baby pool, all in the company of his greyhound friends.

(And Eric too, of course ;))
My little black crocheted greyhound was auctioned off, and Ferguson was able to get a new muzzle (due to a mishap that occurred while my parents were babysitting). Ferg also got to say hi to Uncle Chris, his foster.

By this point, Ferguson was quite tired, but I believe he did recognize Chris (he doesn't flop over for belly rubs for just anyone!).
We also have enough treats to get us through the winter. There were many free samples of tasty-looking things in our goody bag that I think we'll go ahead and utilize in the next few days as we gear up for our (hopefully) CGC test tomorrow evening.
As part of the test, Ferguson must appear clean and well groomed, and after some wadding through the bay yesterday, I think a bath may be in order. However, Ferg really did enjoy those baby pools. I'm thinking we may need to go pick him up one (they're like $10, right?) perhaps tonight. Then, he can run and go for a long walk to get all hot and tired and actually enjoy the coolness while we bathe him...Luckily, I think Eric will be around to help.
So, in the next day or so, I need to seriously up my photography skills during these special upcoming events. Until then, though, I'm glad I at least thought to get a couple...