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A Dachshund reflects on life and hismelf in....

for the American Dachshund magazine, October, 1972

History has always spoken of the United States as the "land of plenty" and for many of my associates it has been just that.  For others, well, that is another story, and by your leave, I will tell you mine.
I was born in that beautiful state of Kentucky on a fine spring morning, the thirteenth of April, 1969.  Because I grew quickly and appeared stronger than many of my litter mates (I was too young to remember much about them except that they were "there.")  I was the first to be sent away from home.  Perhaps this was my first regret.  I never did get to know my mother very well and did not know any sense of belonging, or of a family.  My father did not live with us, and I guess Mother must have had many a lonely moment trying to bring us up with the proper sort of guidance.  But like I have said, I left home early and could honestly say I never really knew her.  They say she was beautiful, though - fourteen points when her people decided they didn't care for the show routine anymore.  It was a bad break for Mother.  Today she might have had "Champion" in front of her name.
My new home was pretty nice, I guess.  It's pretty funny, but my earliest memories are vague.  Please don't think I'm complaining, but a vagabond's life isn't easy.  They say we sometimes put up mental blocks deliberately, just to "forget" and you must admit, there are some things that are best "forgotten."  I had not reached a year's age when I was whisked off again.  My lady had rationalized that she had "just too much work without putting up with that hound any longer!"
Perhaps it was best for all concerned because she suffered from a series of neuroses, and I was becoming a nervous wreck myself.  So I was sent off to a relation's place where there were to be kennels with all sorts of conveniences, including a varied diet with plenty of bones.  And the whispered word was that I was even destined to be shown!  If only Mother could have heard that.  The ride was long to Pennsylvania, and the kids continuously screeched and tugged at me.  I tried not to mind too much, though.  I just kept telling myself that even though I wasn't too big, they weren't either.  Let's just say that my nerves were not at all improved by the time I reached Pennsylvania.
I think HE hated me from the moment HE first saw me; HE said HE had no use for such an animal.  I was really confused then.  How could HE run an entire kennel of us and not want to?  Did I have a surprise coming.  Have you ever looked up at an elephant, or perhaps one of the Belgian, or Clydesdale horses at a fair?  Then you know how I felt when I saw them in the same pen with me.  They looked like gray ghosts as their yellow eyes gleamed down at me.  They pushed in at all sides toward me; their tongues alone seemed to be the size of my ears, and I quickly retreated to the far side of the pen.  The last thing I heard HIM say was, "Look at that simple cur; he's a coward already."  The next day I learned that the fellows were German Shorthaired Pointers and Weimaraners.  They seemed to be a nice enough bunch, but there wasn't a Dachshund in the place.  How they laughed at my short legs!  It didn't take me too long to learn that you had to be alert at chow-time, or you were left out.  Somehow, I'd put all my speed up against those guys but, excuse the colloquialism, I'd always end up on the "short" end.
In the days that followed, SHE began to table-train me, and I became quite adept at posing.  But, I'd fall to shaking whenever HE came into the room.  I was a bundle of nerves trying to dodge swift kicks.  Finally, it was decided that I would be shown at a match two weeks off.  THEY shut me up in a cage, and it was strictly bread and water because I looked like a bag of bones.  This wasn't bad if you consider that there were no Shorthairs or Weimaraners in there, but let's face it - bread for breakfast, bread for dinner, and bread for supper gets to you after a while.
HE led me into the ring that day and smiled at all the people, but I could tell by the tug of the lead that HE wouldn't smile at me.  I was a nervous wreck.  When HE set me up on the table HE jerked the lead so hard that I'm positive that my brain hit the sides of my skull several times before it stopped bouncing.  It was all over in an instant.  A huge man (they later told me he was the judge) came at me.  He was about 220 pounds I'd guess; yes, that's roughly 200 more pounds than me.  Instinct took control, and I clamped down with my jaws just as hard as I could.  Just let me say this - the next few days were too horrible to describe.  I was a villain.  After all, what could be more despicable than a show dog who would bite a judge? 
Into every life comes that ray of sunshine dispersing the gloom.  I fell in love with her immediately.  A crippled tail kept her from being classified as beautiful, but her family was tremendously high class.  I wanted to go away with Luvie that very day, somewhere away from it all where we could chase butterflies and dream of dinosaur bones for the rest of our lives and maybe even raise a family.  I knew they would be beautiful babies if they looked like their mother.  I wanted to stay with her and give her a good life as well as help bring up the babies, not the way my poor mother had been forced to do.  Alas, this was not to be.  By now, I'm sure I've developed a rejection complex for I was not permitted to go with Luvie and her lady.  But I lived on dreams from that day on.  So what if I got trampled at the feed trough.  Nothing was important anymore.  I did get some good news, however; I was a Father!  We had four fine sons and a pretty little daughter.  All were identical and just beautiful.  My how the people raved about them!  What I did not know was that I never more would see my wife, the Mother of my pups, for winter came and carried her life away on a snowflake.  I gave up all desire for food and soon developed large bald patches on my coat.  What difference did anything make?  I caught a word here and there about the extermination process.  I was to be "gassed."  Life and its grief would be over.  Finis.  HE could be happy; the Rag would finish his mean existence.
On the day that I was literally convinced would be my last, I was surprised again.  Another lady, whom I was later to call the Mistress, came and put me in the back of her car and took me to Ohio.  It was a rural home run pretty much by a black, pudgy puppy.  Can you imagine my delight when I learned that he was none other than my son, Schultz!  I thought perhaps things might work out after all, now that I had my son to care about.  I think we all need that "object" on which to focus our affections; and, Schultz was a living memory of Luvie.  But, as my life story testifies, that did not work out either.  Perhaps you may have some idea of what it's like trying to communicate with a teenager!  Perhaps you even have one of your own.  All they do is spout talk about a generation gap.  Schultz is no different than any other teenager and probably a little worse than most.  He even thinks the family car is his.  It took him no time at all, I guess, to figure that his "old man was no swinger."  So bad went to worse.  I became even more despondent and downhearted.  My weight went down to thirteen pounds, and I was nearly bald.  I just did not care anymore.
Before long i was dashed off to a medical man who diagnosed my ailments, prescribed medicines, and sadly commented that I was certainly not show material, but would, indeed, survive.  I guess I really wished that he had said that there was nothing that he could do.  I just didn't care; every day got to be routine with little white pills before supper.  But I must admit the next several months passed peacefully enough, my nerves settled down, and I put on weight.  I was no longer bullied and was beginning to think I might actually be enjoying life.
One day there seemed to be more than the usual excitement about the place.  Mistress and Ellen came and talked to me for a long time and finally they agreed on some important matter.  I was totally confused, but I got an extra-special hug from Mistress.  The weeks that followed were hectic.  Ellen worked with me while I practiced my poses (she even used a mirror once, and I must admit that a fellow might get swell-headed from so much praise and preening), and we worked with a nylon lead, etc.  I picked up a few words like "Cleveland" and "Western Reserve," and when I got an egg shampoo on Saturday I was convinced.  They were going to show me, the Rag, at the Western Reserve Kennel Club show on Sunday!  I could scarcely believe it!  But I had put on weight, I was now twenty-eight pounds, and my fur was shiny and thick; my nerves had settled down considerably, and I had quit worrying about little things.  Of course, there was that dratted bald spot on my tail because I just couldn't seem to stop wagging it into objects.
Well, the big day came and I was bundled into the car with Mistress and Ellen.  By the time we reached the auditorium the excitement was so built up in me that I felt I might burst - Mistress acted that way, too, but Ellen managed us both adequately.  It seemed that I went into the ring only seconds after walking on the floor.  I quickly surveyed my competition; the other fellows in the Open class looked good, too good, and they knew it.  I thought about the bald spot on my tail, and then I thought about my Mother.  I'd do my best!  I'd do it for Mistress, too, because she cared so much and for Ellen and for my fellow Dachshunds in the ring with me.  My best!  I nearly growled as my pride burst forth from past generations of calling, be-ribboned ancestors with titles who said I was a part of them.  I literally pranced around the ring and threw all I had into the effort.  Even if I failed now I wold know that I had done my best.  The spectators were kind - there was a hush as we lined up and waited.  I glanced across the ring at Mistress.  She had her eyes shut.  Then I centered my attention all on the lady judge.  First prize went to a most handsome fellow, as did the second prize.  Then the kind lady with the ribbons stepped in front of me.  I saw that Mistress had opened her eyes because they now resembled saucers, and I do believe that Ellen had stopped breathing.  When the lady handed Ellen that slip of a yellow-gold it was all over.  I could have cheered myself!  Third prize wasn't bad for a "condemned" fellow making a comeback.
The next thing I knew was that I was outside of the ring, and Mistress was crying (she said it was because she was so happy - what silly creatures people are) and Ellen was laughing.  Me?  I had just done my best.  It had been my first point show, and I had proved that I was a little more than just the "rag" alongside of German Shorthaired Pointers and Weimaraners.  If given a chance, and a lot of us dogs never are, we'd have nice coats, good weight, and proper dispositions.  But let me assure you, the rewards of the show were more than the ribbons.  Can you imagine how delighted I was that I had made Mistress and Ellen so happy?  And they did serve delicious, pardon the terminology, hot-dogs at the show!

Unrelated early 1900's postcard image source unknown.

A Visit With DFW Dachshund Rescue

Thanks so much to our friend Jean Siska for writing in:

Hi Joey and Maggie,

Hope all is going well.  Good Morning Texas was nice enough to feature our group’s work on GMT’s Dog Days of Summer.  As usual the Dachshunds commandeered the show, says the proud dog mom/foster mom. Take care!

It's nice to see Jean in person.  Great job.  Make sure and visit Dallas-Fort Worth Dachshund Rescue's website to view all of their beautiful dogs waiting for their forever homes.

Talking About the Untalkable: Would You Hold a Funeral for Your Dachshund?

Seeing the Unseeable:  Zoya Girard wipes away tears as she views her Dachshund, 'Poncho,' in his casket at the East Lawn Pet Loss Center in Sacramento, California

An article ran in the Sacramento Bee a few weeks ago titled Spending on pet funerals increases in Sacramento and beyond.  Try as we might, we simply can't get it, or the photo that ran with it, out of our little heads.  We could never post such a photo on The Long and Short of it All, that's unthinkable.  We could never see a Dachshund in that state, that's unseeable.  We could never talk about a funeral for our little loved ones, that's untalkable. 
But as the days and weeks have rolled on since it was published, maybe it's not such a bad idea to bring it up, to talk about, to lay everything on the table so to speak.  Because if there's one thing as certain as life, then that's the world beyond, and while accepting that is never easy, coming to terms with it can certainly ease the pain. 
This is Zoya and her pal Poncho's story via the Sacramento Bee:

Zoya Girard treated her beloved dachshund, Poncho, like a member of the family all his life. She's giving him the same kind of attention in death.
She wanted her 11-year-old dog to be buried in his favorite blanket, a prayer read at his graveside service and a viewing before he was laid to rest.
Girard leaned over his casket last week, looking at her beloved pet one last time in a visitation room at the East Lawn Pet Loss Center in Sacramento.
"He was like a grumpy old man, always barking," Girard said, weeping. She leaned over and kissed him. "But he was always there for me. This is the least I could do for him."

The article goes on to note that while pet cemeteries have been around for decades, the number of funerals – 10- to 15-minute graveside services – has increased dramatically in recent years.  These services can run anywhere from just under $1,000 to many thousands of dollars. 
Would you consider such a service for your beloved furry friend?  We guess that we might consider something similar - if nothing else, a viewing in the home.  It's easy to say something like this hopefully years away from actually leaving this planet, we would probably be too distraught with grief to actually carry out such a plan.  But we can see how it would help bring closure with the support of your family and closest friends by your side.  Or perhaps a small ceremony in the home when the ashes have been returned would be best - just a little something special to honor the ones who have given you that unconditional love their entire little lives. 
We're reminded of one of our favorite anonymous quotes, something to live by every day in life, and something to think about for when that time comes:
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."

Zoya lays flowers down on Poncho's grave.

Slightly Spicy: The Dachshunds, The Spinster, and The Vet

An elderly spinster who was a Dachshund Lover agreed to look after and house her neighbors’ black and tan smooth while the neighbors went on vacation.
The only problem was that the spinster's own Dachshund, a red smooth, was a bitch that was in 'Heat' and the neighbors’ Dachshund was a male. Nevertheless she had a large house and she was able to keep the two dogs apart.

As she lay in her bed drifting off to sleep, the spinster was suddenly awakened by an awful howling and moaning from downstairs. She rushed downstairs to find the Dachshunds locked together - as dogs do when mating. The Dachshunds were in obvious pain and howling but unable to disengage. Try as she might she could not part them and she was perplexed as what to do next.

Though it was late, nearly 1 AM...she reluctantly phoned the vet and after a few rings a rather grumpy voice of the vet answered the phone.

The spinster explained the problem and the vet said. "I want you to take the phone to the Dachshunds and place it down alongside them. I will then phone your number back and the noise of the telephone ringing should make the male dog lose his erection and be able to withdraw from the bitch."

"Oh" said the spinster. "Do you think that will work?"

"Well" The vet replied, "IT JUST F*****G WORKED ON ME!"

Time Together by Michael Franks: Don't Miss This Song and Video

Who?  Michael Franks is an American smooth jazz singer and songwriter. He has recorded with a variety of well-known artists, such as Patti Austin, Brenda Russell, Art Garfunkel, and David Sanborn. His songs have been recorded by The Manhattan Transfer, Patti Labelle, Carmen McRae, Diana Krall, Shirley Bassey and The Carpenters.  And oh yeah, he's a Dachshund Lover.
We were excited to get a note from Michael's wife, Claudia, announcing Michael's new song Time Together, a piece he wrote about his beloved Dachshund 'Flora,' and the title track off his new album.  Claudia writes:

dear joey and maggie...

we just found your blog and LOVE it!
i thought you might like to see the video that the record company put together for my husband's new cd, "time together".
the title song is for our dachshund flora who passed a year ago.  in every interview he does-people ask about flora and dachshunds.
we rescued her in 1998.  more info on flora is available on my husband's website...michaelfranks.com.  if you click on "flora's page" it has another slide show that we made...and a short little bit on our love story!  she was from a puppy mill in kansas.  we have since rescued 2 more with HUA...certified doxieholics!
love you guys!  you are just gorgeous!
claudia franks

We're honored to share such a fine song and video with incredible lyrics.  Brought us to tears.  The video notes:  The title track from Michael's "Time Together" CD -- a touching tribute to his beloved dog, Flora. He dedicates it to all of you who have lost a much loved companion. Michael is donating the royalties from this song to Hearts United for Animals in Flora's memory.  Produced by Gil Goldstein. Featuring Gil Goldstein and Romero Lubambo.  Video production by Peter Nevill. 

There are links to purchase the song and album on itunes, eMusic, and Amazon on youtube.

Wieners Galore in Luverne, Minnesota

Thanks to our pals 'Oscar' and 'Hans' for sending in such nice photos of the 2011 Hot Dog Nite, which took place in Luverne, Minnesota on July 14th.  They note that there were 37 race entries, and 14 contestants in the beauty pageant.  Excerpt from the Rock County Star Herald:

Thousands of people descended on Luverne Thursday night for the town's 49th Annual Hot Dog Night celebration.
In addition to free hot dogs and beverages served by participating Chamber members, the night included entertainment, demonstrations, wiener dog races and the first ever Wienerman World Championships.
More than 10,000 free hot dogs were given away by Chamber members, the Rock County Dairy Association served ice cream, and Holy Trinity Episcopal Church served pie during Emily Lodine's singing of patriotic songs.

Now this is our kind of celebration for the Hot Dog! 

The Wiener Dog Races get underway on North Freeman Avenue just off Main Street.

Tanya Whitcomb's entry, Harlie, races her way to a second-place finish in her heat during the Wiener Dog Races at Luverne's Hot Dog Night celebration Thursday.

Make sure to check out a bunch of photos from the event by Oscar and Hans at their flickr set:  Luverne Hot Dog Nite 2011

Not the greatest birthday...

Copied and pasted from my greyhound forum group post:

Ferguson and I spent half the weekend in college park, and upon our return to my parents house, I took him out of the car and headed out for a walk before going immediately inside to give him a chance to potty. As we rounded the corner, a neighbor's car was pulling up with its window open. I hear barking, and then...my heart sank. Two dogs, a retriever and coonhound, came racing at us, having jumped out of the car window. These dogs are notorious in the neighborhood for continuous barking and the owners having little to no control over them, though they ARE usually on leashes when we've seen them. So they come right at us. I do my best to keep them back, but with the two of them, I can't do both at one time, and they are FAST. I hear snarling, and then yelping, and then...URG. The owners came running from their car and grabbed the dogs. They were very upset and the wife helped me look over Ferguson and asked if their was anything she could do. At first, all seemed like it might have been okay, but then, that heartbreaking moment happened when you touch a spot and see blood on your hands :pale: :crybaby:. His ankles, both of them, were scraped and bleeding. I told her I was going to take him to the emergency clinic and that we would be in touch (since they are just around the corner). She gave me her dog's rabies information, and we were off. Ferguson, however, was not limping while we walked back to the car. THANKFULLY the doctor and the clinic did a very thorough inspection of him and said happily that she didn't think he'd been bitten at all!!! She said that it appeared that he was trying to run away, but rather slipped and fell and scraped his legs on his own in the process. No stitches or bandaging, and just a weeks worth of antibiotic. Still, the whole experience was horrific, as glad as I am nothing is seriously injured. From now on, I will carry pepper spray with me when we walk. Not really sure how to approach the neighbors, especially if their dogs didn't actually bite/break the skin. They've always irked me at how poorly behaved their dogs are...maybe now they'll think about actually training them.

Summer Fun: Dachshund "500" Water Race

Who said Wiener Races have to be on dry land?  Video by youtuber kerryrams who notes:  Our 5 mini dachshunds enjoying a very competitive day in the pool!

Christmas in July with Martha Stewart: Make Your Own Sock Dachshund!

There's one thing we know for sure after the years of putting together The Long and Short of it All, and that's that Dachshund Lovers (and often the Dachshunds themselves) sure are crafty!  So crafty in fact....did you hear the one about the Dachshund Lover and the Policeman?   
A Dachshund Lover is knitting as she drives on her way to a Dachshund festival.  There are three long dogs in the back seat, slightly nervous, as more attention is being paid to the knitting in hand than to the road ahead.  Pretty soon, her speed has crept all the way up to 95 mph--and she passes a parked police car. The car gives chase.  The three Dachshunds have a look of fear on their little faces. Officer Friendly turns on his siren, but the crafty Dachshund Lover, oblivious, doesn't even notice him. Finally, he pulls up alongside her car and yells, "Pull over! PULL OVER!"
She looks at him, looks at her knitting, and yells-- "NO! It's a CARDIGAN!"

Oh, Lordy, we're in stitches.  Anyway, thanks to Tassie Hare for writing in with the link to the Sock Dachshund!  She writes:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

This is a link to a "Christmas In July" project from Martha Stewart.
Martha doesn't SAY it is a doxie.... but, we doxielovers know when we see a doxie!!!
I can't wait to make one!!

Check it out at Martha Stewart.  It's a GOOD thing.  

Fascinating X-ray Video Reveals How Dachshunds Move

The video starts off with a Pyrenean Shepherd, but quickly goes to a side and rear view of our favorite canine, The Dachshund.  Is he not neutered?  Via the New Scientist:

From Great Danes to dachshunds, dogs can have radically different body types. But now X-ray video is revealing striking similarities between the way different breeds move.
Martin Fischer and colleagues at Jena University in Germany used high-speed X-ray cameras to film hundreds of dogs representing 32 different breeds. Then they compared the footage with 3D motion-capture data to create a precise profile of how each breed walks, trots, and runs.
The team found that during most movements, a dog's shoulder joints stay still. Their forelimbs rotate around the shoulder blade which is connected to the rest of the skeleton by muscles. Thanks to the X-ray view, they also found that the shoulder blade and forearm move in sync, as do the thigh and foot. Therefore if the shoulder blade is parallel to the ground, the forearm is too.
For more X-ray footage of dogs, check out this clip of a dog taking a drink.

Slightly Related:  See Maggie's x-rays at Maggie's Trip to the Vet.

When Traveling With Your Dachshund, Only The Finest Will Do

We've said it before and we'll say it again - when planning a trip or summer vacation, don't forget your Dachshund!  Thanks so much to our pal 'Geneva' for sending in a link to the Today show, where they took a look at some of the finest pet-friendly hotels around the country.  Above, a stay at the Ritz-Carlton New York in Central Park is luxurious for humans and animals alike. The Pampered Pooch package entails wrought-iron pet beds, 22-karat gold plated ID tags and home-baked dog treats.  And when water is pouring down from the sky, both pet and owner can borrow Burberry raincoats.   Aaahhh.  Just what every Dachshund deserves.  Read all about these fine pet-friendly hotels and watch a nice video at the Today show.

Wiener Dog Fetch Fail: Frikkie

Some Dachshunds have it and others, well.......Poor 'Frikkie.'  By youtuber FrikkieTheWeinerDog.

More Wally Madness

Thanks as always to our pal 'Princess Leia,' who hails all the way from Slovenia for sending in the latest Drabbles, featuring 'Wally' the Dachshund.

Read more Drabble.

The Dog and the Butcher

Thanks so much to our friend Melinda for sending in the link. Video by Jonathan Holt for his senior thesis.
We generally only post items which are new, and this is a few years old, but we've never seen it before and hope you haven't either.  It's awesome!


Our dear friend Melinda from downtown Chicago, Illinois lost her beloved 4-year-old Dachshund rescue 'Jeeves' just last week. He was quite a handsome boy - he had a beautiful deep red color and an amazing Roman nose - the likes of which we rarely see.  Like any good Dachshund, that nose had a penchant for trouble, but his heart had a penchant for love.   Our heart goes out to Melinda and her friends and family who were lucky enough to know Jeeves well.

More Summer Fun: Blue Water Dachshund

Our friend 'Geneva' is one lucky dog.  From getting to ride around on backhoes to celebrating her 15th birthday at the beach on Cape Cod, this girl does it all.  She writes:

Hi Joey and Maggie,

Speaking of "summer fun" my favorite thing to do on a hot day is go for a ride in the kayak. I start whimpering as soon as I see the equipment come out. I always stand right in the bow, to help with navigation. The life jacket can get a little hot, but Mom always says "safety first!"

Enjoy those strawberries, Joey!

Oh I Wish I Were An Oscar Mayer Wiener

That is what I'd truly like to be! 

Don't worry little 'Albert,' we're quite sure that everyone is already in love with you!  Thanks to Albert's mom for writing in:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

I own a 5 year old mini dachshund and review your blog daily with him. His name is Albert and we are from London, Ontario Canada. Every year Albert and I attend Wienerfest which is hosted just outside of London in Thamesford.  Last year Albert was thrilled to get his photo taken in the Wienermobile and when we saw the posting about the 75th birthday of the wienermobile we had to share his photo!

Thanks for all the interesting articles and the updates on Joey and Maggie!

Rebecca & Albert

Live! Truffles And Her One-Day-Old Puppies

Awwww.  Pretty little 'Truffles' is a chocolate long-hair that came into Midwest Dachshund Rescue already pregnant. She had her pups yesterday, 7/18/11 and we have: Harry Potter--Black and Tan male with a white streak--7.7 ounces, Ron Weasley--Chocolate male--7.0 ounces, Hermoine Granger--Chocolate female--7.5 ounces. Truffles nor her pups are available yet, but MWDR has many more doxies, including pups, ready for adoption at http://www.mwdr.org/.

Vintage Dachshund Summer Fun

click photo to enlarge

No matter your summer plans - don't forget to take your Dachshund!

1930's German photo source unknown.


Ssssshhhhh......Don't tell Dad.  He has no idea why his ever-bearing strawberries aren't ever-bearing.  I don't even wait for them to completely ripen. 

Happy 75th Birthday to the Wienermobile!

Thanks so much to our friend Jerry for letting us know that the Wienermobile turned 75 yesterday! That's a lot of smiles that these funny contraptions have brought to folks all over these United States - even the world. Above, Ed Roland with Kraft Foods and two hotdoggers talk to CNN about the Wienermobile's legacy. Excerpt from CNN:

The Wienermobile was born in 1936, when Carl Mayer approached his uncle Oscar with the idea of driving a giant hot dog through Chicago streets, selling Oscar Mayer wieners, Roland said. Over the years, the Wienermobile developed from a smallish 13-foot affair (Carl Mayer drove around with his head sticking through a hole in the roof) into a fleet of mobile marketing hot spots. Children in the ’50s and ’60s knew to look out for the Wienermobile.
The Wienermobile went on hiatus during the fuel woes of the ’70s, when Oscar Mayer could more effectively reach its audience through television advertising. This was the heyday of the jingle-laden commercials featuring bologna’s first name and last name, and children who wished only to be loved like Oscar Mayer wieners.

Read some fun stories in the archives about the Wienermobile.

Wallet troubles again...

^What we hope he'll look like once his coat arrives
Ohh Ferguson.

Our move, due to personal reasons, has become a gradual thing with frequent visitations to the new house. Ferguson seems fine when he's at the house; he plays, he listens well to commands, etc. However, his anxiety has to show up somewhere, and unfortunately tends to manifest itself in the big D. It's come and gone, but presently, for no apparently reason, it's returned (it went away after a day or two, but we've not been back to the house for almost a week). Hurray for yet another day of skipping breakfast and having a bland diet of rice/chicken.

I think this new environment anxiety will calm down the more often we visit, but for him, it really depends on the day. Ferguson can now reliably be left out in the house (confined to the kitchen and family room) and only complains for a moment before settling down once you've left. I think that while he has learned to be quiet, he has also learned to internalize his issues, some on bad days, it comes out in other ways...literally.

At work, I was reading all about Thundershirts and gave in. There is a money back guarantee, and I think I'll know pretty quickly if it works or not. For some people, it seems to work wonders for their insanely anxious/upset dogs...I'm wondering if it will help take the edge off of my already usually acceptable dog. If it does make him feel any better, I think it'd be worth it. We shall see though.

From work, I also invested in a plug-in pheromone dog thing. This also has a money-back guarantee if I see no difference in him. Mostly, this is all to help him adjust to new places with less anxiety faster. It does make me miserable when I sense his anxious energy...we then just reflect off of one another, making it an unpleasant experience all together.

I feel bad complaining, because he is SO much better than in the past, since he's actually quiet, but I would feel even better if I knew he was relaxed, as opposed to tense, for the duration that I am gone. If nothing else, as I often remind myself, I will have these things to use for future dogs that I foster/adopt.

Man, I can't wait to get a cat, where I'll get to start ALL over with buying products. Hopefully by then though, the love of my life, Eric, will be with me to contribute mutually to the feline cause.

Hope it works for ya, buddy.

Meet Pete The Wonder Dog Who Saved His Family!

Boy are we proud of this super smooth black and tan boy named 'Pete,' the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma hound who saved his whole family from a house fire on Sunday.  Thanks so much to Kathy J. Fuller for writing in with the news:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

Pete saved the lives of his owners and their niece when he awakened them from sleep when the house was on fire!  Pete is a hero! 

Here's the remarkable (rebarkable?) scoop from KFOR.com:

A metro family says their small dog saved them from a house fire. Jennifer and Ricky Coffman say they were sleeping when a fire engulfed their home on the 13000 block of SE 71st Sunday Morning.
Ricky says their dog, Pete, came running through the house barking.
"(The fire) It came from the outside in, didn't get time for the fire alarms to go off," Ricky Coffman said.
His wife says Pete was their fire alarm.
The dog was able to wake up the family and within moments everyone was out of the burning house.
"Pete the wonder dog, he saved us," Jennifer Coffman said.
The Coffman's say their home was a total loss.

Way to go Pete.  Read about more Dachshund Heroes.

Get Yourself to Luverne, Minnesota Tonight

It doesn't matter if it's by plane, train, or automobile, find a way to get yourself to Luvurne, Minnesota today for the 2011 Hot Dog Night.  Free hot dogs, a Wiener Dog Beauty Contest, Wiener Dog Races - the list goes on and on - we even heard that there was a hot dog eating contest this year.  Hopefully our pals 'Oscar' and 'Hans' will give us a run down of the big event again this year.  They write: 

WOOF Joey and Maggie!

We have been getting in training once again for HOT DOG NITE in Luverne, MN, next Thursday. We have been doing a lot of cross-country running out in the grove chasing squirrels, so a quick sprint down the street should be nothing. We are focused on bringing the Championship across the border to Iowa!

Bark at you later…

Dachshunds Around Town: Roper Joe Lends A Helping Paw

What a happy boy 7-year-old 'Roper Joe' is!

With temperatures above the 100 degree mark for at least the ninth consecutive day, volunteers at the International Finals Youth Rodeo in Shawnee, Oklahoma, had greeted more than 400 contestants who had arrived by 4 p.m. Saturday.
All these arrivals are in preparation for this year’s IFYR with the opening performance last night.
And handsome 'Roper Joe' is back for his seventh consecutive IFYR, helping his master Bill Chrz spot RVs for check-in.  Source.

Dachshund Oddities From Around The World: Kidnapped Dog Finds Its Way Home In Poland

The National Flag of Poland

A Polish woman could not believe her eyes when her pet dog found its way home - after being dog napped 30 miles away. Edyta Kowalska, 44, from Sochaczew, had gone to the capital Warsaw for the day with her two-year-old Dachshund, Cherry. But as they walked down the road a car suddenly pulled up and three masked men jumped out. The trio bundled the dog inside a car and sped off. “It was terrifying. They leapt out of their car and ran over towards me. I thought they were going to attack me, but instead they grabbed Cherry, jumped back in the car and drove off,” said Edyta. “I went to the police and filed a report, but I don’t think they took it very seriously.

Wouldn't it be nice if...

In my spare time, I've found I have a horrific addiction for looking up homeless animals on petfinder.com. Occasionally, I'll find a pet, either dog or cat, that draws me in with longing.



As I'm attempting to move forward with dog training/testing at work, I can't help but configure potential ideas in my head about how I could use this opportunity to help other dogs that are homeless.

Where I used to work at, a select number of dogs were kept on the premises for training, as well as being available for adoption.

If I could do something similar, even if for just one dog, to help it become a Canine Good Citizen that someone could adopt, I could think of nothing more fulfilling. Perhaps when I meet with the head manager, I will think about asking them permission for such a feat...even at a discounted rate.


Maybe one day soon, little homeless doggies...

The downsides of vet office work...

Today a greyhound came in as a drop off for x-rays. He didn't leave again, unfortunately, after they found tumors and masses in several places throughout his body. He was 13.

His name was Eli.

Why oh why was the first PTS I'd ever seen a greyhound :'(.

Horror in Texas: Jasper Animal Control Officer Accidentally Euthanizes Family's Dachshunds

Our hearts go out to the family and friends of 'Smokey' and 'Bandit,' two little Dachshunds who lost their lives while staying at the Jasper Animal Hospital in Jasper, Texas, while their humans were on vacation.   Read more and see more photos at KCENTV.

RIP little sweethearts.

16-Year-Old Dachshund Severely Injured by Bird of Prey

Poor 'Tara,' - as if life isn't tough enough when you're 16-years-old, getting spooked by fireworks and attacked by a bird of prey certainly can't make things any easier.  We're hoping for a quick recovery for the pretty Riverview, Florida girl.   See several photos at WTSP.com.

Dachshund Beautiful

As we perused the pages of the July/August House Beautiful magazine, we were excited to find that it's the Dachshund details that make a house a beautiful home.  In her 1929 bungalow in Brentwood, California, designer and Dachshund Lover Chris Barrett brings airy sophistication to Spanish Colonial architecture.  Above, floor-to-ceiling bookcases give depth to the dining room-office-library; artfully arranged objects on the shelves engage the eye.  A Danish Baroque desk doubles as a dining table and a hangout for Dachshund 'Frankie.'

Eden climbing roses soften the terra-cotta front porch as a vintage iron Dachshund foot scraper welcomes visitors.

In a sunlit end of the living room, a rosewood Tansu chest with gold paper-covered sliders is a visual anchor - and provides a touch of glamour to display a striking Dachshund print.

And finally, an Ikea flokati on the 1950s lounger by the living room fireplace is a plush perch for 'Bob.'

Related:  House Beautiful

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Thanks to our pals Turbo and Lily for sending in yesterday's Drabble!

Vintage Dachshund Awkwardness

The holidays are less than 6 months away.  Via Awkward Family Photos:  So much to look forward to.

Celebrity Dachshund Watch: Mary-Kate Olsen

Mary-Kate Olsen is spotted walking her dog out in New York City over the 4th of July weekend.

Looks like everyone's favorite Olsen twin is a Dachshund Lover.  What's next - will Paris Hilton be dumping her Chihuahuas for Wiener Dogs?  Stay tuned to find out.

See more photos of Mary-Kate with her finest accessory yet at celebuzz. 

Sh*t My Dachshunds Ruined

Via Sh*t My Pets Ruined:  We decided to barricade their crate in the kitchen and block the opening. 8hrs later we came home to this. 20lbs bag of dog food destroyed, a bag of rabbit hay destroyed plus other items. Thanks pups!

We don't think these little angels would ever do such a thing.

If you enjoy Dachshund hijinx, don't miss the video Little Guy's Big Mess.

Wii-ner Dogs

Apparently this is a birthday card you can find.  Thanks to the Dachshund Lover who sent it in!

4th of July Wiener Roaster

Oh boy, we'd don't know what we want more - some kisses from our pal 'Honey,' or a taste of what she was roasting on the grill!  Either way, we know it's bound to be delicious.
As an aside, we heard through the grapevine that Honey was quite ill over the holiday weekend - had to make a run to the Emergency Vet because she wasn't eating.  Tests are inconclusive at this point, but she is eating again.  We hope you continue on your road to recovery Honey. 

Keep up with this sweet gal at Doxiene's flickr photostream. 

Happy 4th From The Sheridan Avenue Boys

'Lego' is marching to the beat of his own drum. Hope everyone has had a wonderful 4th!

Thanks as always to those handsome Sheridan Avenue Boys for brightening our holidays. 

Where in the Heck are Joey and Maggie?

Please accept our apologies for the scant posting as of late.  Work is a bit out of control, Dad is in the middle of refinancing our home, we got hit with a major hail storm last week which destroyed our garden and our car, and something is up with your Long and Short of it All hostess 'Maggie,' - her anal infection is back, and while she is still eating, her appetite is definitely down for some reason.  For now, she's still swaddled in her Thundershirt after a weekend of big booms, but it's off to the vets again this morning to at least get her some antibiotics for her infection.  We'll see if her appetite improves over the next few days.  We're hoping to get back up to posting regularly real soon.

Yours in Dachshund Love,
Joey and Maggie..... 

The Sun Will Come Out...


Things may be quiet for the next few days.

Holding on with all my might...I've never wanted something more in my life.

Hanging in there, with only Ferguson for company <3

Saturday Night Special: Sammy Dachshund Jr.

Our only hope is that the video would have lasted a little longer.  Nice stuff from youtuber TheSandygal who mentions: Sammy enjoying a night on the town. Please consider a rescue dog.
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