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Contrasting Theories...?

I've been brushing up on my dog reading lately in preparation for my CGC class that will hopefully begin September 15th, and between reading, Inside of a Dog, Cesar's Rules, and The Loved Dog by Tamar Geller, I desperately needed to stop and point out a few things I seem to be maybe be missing.

So, everyone knows that it is no secret of mine that I adore Cesar Millan. His recipe for success is plain, simple, and has impressive results that bring to attention what most people do wrong with their dogs...essentially ignoring their doggy tendencies and how they generally see the world. Yet, so many people are overly critical, saying all his techniques are too harsh, and that his approach is cruel and overbearing. However, as has been researched by specialists in the dog area, many would probably be surprised to hear that over 70% of Millan's techniques are actually based on positive reinforcement. Additionally, over 90% of his "leadership" techniques are simply using posture, going through doors first, etc. Where things get notably controversial are when he does the "Alpha" roll-overs and "flooding" techniques...but whatever your stance on it, I think it's important to remember that these are used as absolute last resorts, and only for severely unhinged dogs that are left with no other options, quite often on death row. If an "alpha rollover" or "flooding" technique is what it takes and has proven success (which, we've seen time and time again, appears to be the case for those select dogs), then I feel that it outweighs the unspeakable alternative. People should also note that, because these dogs are so severe enough to be on television, putting your own dog in an "alpha rollover" for it growling at you over something minor is NOT a wise choice, especially when done without consultation. This is also the case for "flooding" a dog that has some kind of severe irrational fear; Cesar is a professional and knows when and if and how to do things at a specific time to make sure success is going to be the outcome for that particular dog. So, yes. It is probably a bad idea to do these things to your own pet, and there is probably a better method you could consult before such measures need to be taken.

What I'm having trouble with is the "differing" approach of Tamar Geller. If you google search Cesar Millan and Tamar Geller in the same search, you get all kinds of crazy posts of people arguing profusely against one or the other. Yet, to me, her so-called "Love" approach overlaps A LOT with everything I've been reading about her internet nemesis, Cesar Millan, as well as my other favorite trainer/author, Carol Lee Benjamin. According to Geller, the seven basic needs of a dog, not in any particular order are:

1. Sense of Security

2. Companionship

3. Understanding the Hierarchy

4. Surprises/Excitment

5. Food and Exercise

6. Mental Stimulation

7. Love and Connection

For Cesar, they are (in order):

1. Exercise (would also include excitement, mental stimulation, and connection in here, the way he does it.)

2. Discipline (there's your sense of security and understanding the hierarchy)

3. Affection (companionship/love).

I think what I like most and feel is the most important part of dog-ownership is the leadership aspect, first and foremost before anything else. Geller has an entire section on which she preaches this importance as well, citing each owner to "always be seen as the alpha, or leader-there must be no question about that!" Additionally, the way she illustrates being a good leader as she observed wolves/dogs describes a healthy balance of adults teaching their pups through play, as well as corrections via teeth barring, snarling, etc. but with a special emphasis on how none of the animals ever hurt one another or are otherwise cruel.

Um, hold up there...isn't this EXACTLY the same thing Cesar preaches as well? Even with his toughest cases where alpha-rolling occurs, I'd like it noted that NONE of the dogs he's worked with are ever hurt or touched without reason. By using the same techniques as a "momma dog," he mimics what would be seen in the wild; most of the time, a simple "Tsst" and snap of the fingers for effect, in replace of a natural snarl, performed at the appropriate moment in time suffices as a correction.

However, I suppose this is just the general trend of dog trainers; about the only thing two dog trainers can agree on is what a third is doing completely wrong. The fan-base seems to be more opposing though, as I believe I recall seeing an episode where Cesar solicits Geller's help with a particularly child-aggressive mixed breed, and the two considered one another respected friends (though, I will also write that I remember Geller not being fully successful with the dog, and it was Cesar in the end who had to step back in and fix the problem once and for all). People will be people I guess, and declare loyalty to one or another for various reasons. I am glad, at least, that the one I express loyalty for is open-minded, as I try to be, and is never one to criticize other experts, despite the flack he gets himself...he even went to Ian Dunbar's house to make peace and learn more about different training methods ;).

As for Inside of a Dog I'm only about half-way through. Much of it is very interesting to picture, such as how it must be to smell like a dog, or how poor their direct vision actually is. While I've enjoyed most if it, there are some occasional statements made in it that have bothered me that I'm yet exploring in other contexts. Specifically, Horowitz claims that stray dogs do not form packs; therefore, the "pack mentality" is watered down in dogs and not an effective tool in their day to day lives. Yet, there are several documentaries and news articles if you simply search, "Stray Dog Packs" that come up detailing what a problem it is, and how abandoned pets and others born on the streets form gang-like packs that wreck havoc on livestock and on-lookers. I've even witnessed pet dog "pack mentality" myself, as dogs from the same households escape from yard together, and keep together in specific formation as they roam (or as they attack my own dog, as seen in last month's post).

Still, I think it's important to read and research as much as possible about the things you're passionate about to gain a broader, more knowledgeable perspective. This is exactly what I'd like as I begin to teach class; I want to be able to have an answer as to why I believe what I believe, as well as different methods that may work for different dogs.

I want everyone to succeed and do what works for them and of course, what they are comfortable with.

To each their own; may we coexist in peace!

Wirehair Wednesday: Welcome To Your Forever Home Posey!

Wirehair Dachshund Relaxation

What day is it?  Wednesday!  What's that mean?  It's Wirehair Wednesday!  Thanks so much to Jessica C. for writing in with the story of her new beautiful rescue gal 'Posey.'  She writes:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

Remember Charlie Watson? We just adopted a little sister for him from Southern California Dachshund Rescue. We named her Posey. Here is a picture of them together. She is about 5 years old and was found wandering the streets of San Diego barely able to walk. Luckily, the shelter and SCDR recognized her symptoms and started treating her for IVDD. She has been with us for about a week and is already walking much better. She gets stronger every day. As you can see, she is a mini wire-haired dachshund that looks just like her big brother Charlie. As she gets stronger, she also gets more and more feisty--she wants to wrestle Charlie every chance she gets. We hope we are able to provide her a happy home and that she lives a long healthy life with us here in San Francisco!

We're betting that little Posey could not have found a better home.  Congrats all around!

Dachshund Lover Punches Bear To Save Her Dog!

Brook Collins holds her dog, Fudge, at her home on Tuesday. Collins punched a black bear in the snout after the bear attacked Fudge on Sunday.

What are those words in the AKC Dachshund Breed Standard -  courageous to the point of rashness - yes, that's it.  Apparently those words not only apply to Dachshunds, but Dachshund Lovers as well!  Meet 22-year-old Brooke Collins and her beloved red smooth 'Fudge,' who hail from Juneau, Alaska.  Miss Collins let Fudge outside to do his business about 7:30 PM on Sunday night and he started barking immediately - “the most horrible sound in the world” said Miss Collins.  Excerpt from the Juneau Empire:

Collins said when she looked outside she saw a bear was crouching down with Fudge its paws and was biting the back of the dog’s neck.
“That bear was carrying her like a salmon,” she said.
She said she almost instinctively went up and did the first thing she thought of. She punched the bear’s face and scooped away her dog when it let go.
It all happened too fast to really think about but she had flashes of hearing about how some animals will back off from a punch to the nose, she said.
“It was a stupid thing but I couldn’t help it,” she said. “I know you’re not supposed to do that but I didn’t want my dog to be killed.”

Fudge suffered some claw and bite marks which weren't deep and required no medical attention, but he will be taken in to the vet if they become infected.  Read more at the Juneau Empire. 

Hoganschiest, The Invisible Dachshund

Reported to be the hit of noontime activities at September's Golden Gate Dachshund club specialty was Hoganschiest, the invisible Dachshund.  Bill Nix (left) did judging honors, including thorough examination on table (Hoganschiest had two!) and observation of gait.  Mel Cutler brought Hoganschiest back from Germany and also handled during lunchbreak of regular class judging.  Most exhibitors ate at ringside in order not to miss this hilarious performance.  Photo by Bill Francis.

via the American Dachshund magazine, November, 1972.

Is there a Dachshund there, or are we just blinded by Mr. Nix's choice of blazers?  

Big Controversy at Batavia Downs: Decision Reversed for Three-peat Champ Jake Arnold

The Wiener Dog Races at Batavia Downs on Sunday have been all the talk in Batavia, New York after speedy black and tan smooth dappled 'Jake Arnold' earned his three-peat championship only to have the win go under review again on Sunday night.  From high atop Batavia Downs it appeared that Jake had won, but cameras on the ground showed otherwise.  On Monday it was announced that the race was too close to call, and for now he's sharing the win with expeditious underdog red smooth 'Gordon Ryan.'  A rematch between Jake and Gordon is now in the works for Saturday evening.  Stay tuned....and may the fastest dog win!   Source.

Jane and 4-year-old Jake Arnold enjoy their short-lived win

Gordon and Lindsay Ryan look ready for a rematch.

Judge for Yourself.

Dachshund Relaxation: Spithas the Dachshund Dog goes on Holiday

Greece is the word, and little 'Spithas' is the man!  Awesome new video by youtuber ssggrock who notes:  Spithas, the little Dachshund from Greece, is on vacation! After he wakes up he goes for a swim at the sea. Then he shows how smart he is by performing some funny tricks. Finally, after having a long trip with his boat Spithas goes to bed.

Chloe: American Red Cross Therapy Dog

Chloe is a friend to many.  Via pennlive.com.

Happy Would-Be 7th Birthday...

To Yarmouth, the first dog I raised for Guiding Eyes for the Blind in 2004. Unfortunately, Yarmouth had several medical problems that required him to retire early from being a guide dog. Because I was in school, I was unable to adopt him or provide him the extensive care he needed, so he was adopted by a nurse in Virgina. They cared for him for 6 months before his ailments got the better of him, and he peacefully was put to sleep earlier this year. Yarmouth taught me so much...I owe it to him for getting me so involved in dog training :). Thanks, Buddy. You are greatly missed <3.

Leaping Into Your Friday With Some Ooey Gooey Dachshund Puppy Goodness: Meet JIMMY DEAN!

Wow!  Thanks so much to Lauren Miller, who hails near Santa Monica, California for sending in such sweet photos of her handsome little boy 'Jimmy Dean.'  She writes:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

My name is Lauren, and I read your blog everyday! This is our little son JIMMY DEAN, and he is a silver dapple mini Dachshund .He is from southern CA and this was his first day ever at the beach, he LOVED it!!! He was only about 6 months here and now he is 11 months.

We just have one question:  Was this little tyke named after the actor or the sausage?

Hurricane Preparedness

Be Prepared!  Like good Boy Scouts, 'Jetson' and 'Jordan,' two of those HANDSOME five Sheridan Avenue Boys, are ready for Hurricane Irene should it hit close to their Virginia home.  We hope you're prepared too, and stay safe! 

"I think we need some boots also."

141 Dachshunds

We're sure that you remember Dachshund U.N., a travelling performance and architectural installation by Bennett Miller in 2010, which made its way around Australia and featured a U.N. replica with Dachshunds as delegates!   The project was also made into a 12-minute short film by director Sambodhi Field, which is now making the rounds at some film festivals.  Keep up with the film on facebook. 
Here's a short trailer. 
We covered the project extensively in the archives, but the search function isn't working too well at the moment.  Best bet is to click here for an Australia search and weed through the posts if you're so inclined.

The Dog Days of Summer/Win Your Own Dachshund Quilt!

Thanks to our pals 'Turbo' and 'Lily' for sending in such nice photos and captions!  There's more than corn in Indiana! Four-legged family members had their day in the sun last weekend during the annual Dog Days of Summer event at the Lake County Fairgrounds in Crown Point, Indiana.  Dog lovers from throughout Northwest Indiana converged on the Show Pavilion for a chance to mingle with the like-minded and even look for a new canine friend needing a forever home.
MidWest Dachshund Rescue set up shop at the event, and their supporters, foster dogs, and alum came out to pet and be petted, and hopefully find some new furever families!   In the top photo above,  a supporter delights in meeting foster dog 'Weebles.'

MWDR alum 'Bailey' was the real show-stopper with her 'practical' agility demonstration.

Bailey is shown pandering a patron for a piece of pepperoni pizza. The little fireplug kept her balancing act up until the last crumb was gone. She lost her bid for a slice of pie, but was rewarded with a dog treat as a consolation prize. (But we bet this trick works at home!)

And while we're on the subject of MWDR, don't miss your chance to own this fantastic Dachshund quilt!  Put together by MWDR volunteers, and aptly named "Rescue Tails," this handmade quilt will be raffled at Dachsiefest in Danville, IL on September 10, 2011.  WINNER NEED NOT BE PRESENT. 
Quilt ticket prices are One for $1, Twelve for $10, Twenty-five for $20, and Seventy for $50.  If you're not attending Dachsiefest, You can mail a check to:

8073 Stonegate Drive
Tinley Park, IL. 60487

UPDATE:  You can also purchase tickets on MWDR's website via paypal and indicate in the notes section that the donation is intended for raffle tickets for the quilt.

Welcome Home Oscar!

Thanks to an anonymous commenter for letting us know that 11-year-old 'Oscar' has been returned to his home.  He was the poor little Parma Heights, Ohio guy who went missing, and a man said that he gave him away at a garage sale!  Excerpt from Cleveland.com:

Within hours of the posting of the story of Brian Tabar losing "Oscar" the Dachshund in his Old Brooklyn neighborhood Aug. 6, the couple who "adopted" him at a yard sale in Parma Heights returned him to his rightful owner.
"The article worked," Tabar said. "A friend of the couple who adopted him read the article, got in touch with them and they dropped Oscar off at my house around 9:30 p.m. (Thursday, Aug. 18).
"Thank God this story was true and had a happy ending. My daughter could not stop smiling with joy when I carried Oscar into the house."

Some things I think I'll Never Understand

Why on earth does he insist on sleeping outside of the cup-bed?! (Sucky quality kudos to my laptop's webcam).

Ferguson continues to baffle me with adorableness. Here, we walked to Brusters (about a mile away). While we sat down on the curb and ate ice cream, Ferguson decided that the concrete wasn't so bad, and that he'd happily lay on it...provided he could use Eric's lap as a pillow. Next time, for his sake, I think we'll bring a travel bed for him.

Speaking of travel, that's something I hope Ferguson will get to do more of in the future...however, it's unfortunately a matter of improving his separation. Depending on the day and time of day still really dictates how well he does; it may not be until we get another dog that he is able to really get it down, I'm afraid, but it is managable now, at least.

While Eric and I were on vacation, I kept seeing dogs everywhere, and really missed Ferguson.

^This guy in particular though, really had me missing my Godiva.

Mostly because of the water scene, and because of the connection the dog had with its owner. Ferguson is wonderful, of course, but in his own way. I have thought more about Godiva lately too, I think, because I've not heard from her blind person, Bill, in a while. Last I heard, both he and his wife's health had not been the best. I am sincere in that I want Bill to have Godiva as long as he is able, but should anything happen to change those circumstances...well...I'd drive to pick her up immediately with a moment's notice. I'm hoping that all is okay, but I'll admit that these circumstances are part of the reason why I am indefinitely holding off on getting a second dog.

To have Godiva back one day would be a dream come true...for both Ferguson and me <3

Evaluating Your Losses: Dachshund Racing Strategy

Dachshund racing returned to Golden Gate Fields in Berkeley, California on Saturday, August 20th, and 'Mitzi' didn't fare so well this time.  By youtuber masterofhounds who states:  Mitzi's racing career is littered with gold metals. On this day Mitzi was favored to win but ended up not placing. We caught up with Mitzi's trainer to find out what happened.

Dachshund Dearest


I am just too much.  ~Joan Crawford

Late 30's - early 40's photo source unknown.


Judge Rules: Owner Who Gave Away Dachshund After it Bit his Granddaughter Cannot Have Him Back

We're sure you remember the story back in May of Gary and Moira Rowlinson who hail from Stockport, Cheshire, UK.  They gave away their beloved Dachshund 'Bailey' to family friend Steven Spencer, after Bailey bit their 2-year-old granddaughter.  They realized their mistake the next day and asked for Bailey back, but Mr. Spencer refused.  Then it went to the courts.
The judge has ruled:  they can not have Bailey back.  Excerpt from the Daily Mail:

A judge has ruled that a man who gave away his pet dachshund after it bit his granddaughter cannot have the animal back.
Gary Rowlinson, 55, from Stockport, Cheshire, immediately regretted his decision to hand Bailey to his friend, Steven Spencer, and asked for him back - reportedly offering £1,000.
But Bailey's new owner refused, so Mr Rowlinson and his wife Moira decided to take legal action under the Return of Goods Act.
The custody battle was settled today at Stockport County Court when it was ruled the 'gift' could not be taken back.
Mr Rowlinson, a joiner from Offerton, said his family were 'devastated' without Bailey, a miniature dachshund he bought as a puppy for £700.
Following the hearing, Mr Rowlinson told Granada Reports: 'The judge has made his decision and I said I will abide by that.
'I will have to get on with my life and put it behind me.'

Read more and see more photos at the Daily Mail.

Missing Ohio Dachshund Given Away At Yard Sale

Have you seen this Dachshund?

We can only imagine the heartbreak of this family in Parma Heights, Ohio:  to let your 11-year-old Dachshund out to go potty, he goes missing, and then to find a man who says he gave him away at a yard sale!  Excerpt from Cleveland.com:

Little did Brian Tabar know when he let his Dachshund "Oscar" out to do "his business" Aug. 6 that it would be the last time he would see the 11-year-old family pet.
Tabar and his 15-year-old daughter couldn't find Oscar, so they started to put signs up around their Ardmore Avenue neighborhood in Old Brooklyn.
While canvasing the neighborhood, Tabar met a man on Wetzel near Pearl Road who told him that he had picked up Oscar on Aug. 6. Thinking he was a stray, the man "adopted" Oscar as his own. This is where the story takes a strange turn.
The man told Tabar that he took Oscar to a yard sale on Aug. 7 or 8 in Parma Heights in the Chesterfield/Maplecliff neighborhood. While at the yard sale, he met a family who fell in love with Oscar. Apparently, they have Dachshunds of their own and took Oscar off his hands.
"He has been a part of our family for 11 years," Tabar said, "and my daughter is devastated."

Find contact info at Cleveland.com.

The 19th Annual Western Dachshund Club's Wiener Walk and Picnic

If you were anywere near Winskill Park in Tsawwassen, BC, Canada on Sunday, chances are you attended the 19th Annual Western Dachshund Club's Annual Wiener Walk and Picnic.  What else would you do after all?   The event also featured games and a costume contest.  See 25 photos at the Delta Optimist.

Summertime Fun: Dachshund Wet Twister

Dachshunds are just hours and hours of endless fascination - especially in slow motion.  Video by Ukraine youtuber MrLeshchinsky.

Wholesome Dachshunds Reside in City of Sin

If you're heading to Thailand, specifically Bangkok's notorious Nana sex district, and need a wholesome place to stay, look no further than the bronze Dachshunds.  They will greet you at the Atlanta Hotel which proudly proclaims itself a "bastion of wholesome tourism."  Excerpt from Central Queensland News:

But don't assume all these rules add up to no fun at this hotel, which was founded in 1954 as the premises of the Atlanta Chemical Company by German chemical engineer Dr Max Henn.
Though it looks like a dull, low-rise concrete block from the outside, the minute you step through its front doors you're transported back in time. The Atlanta has been preserved in all its former glory.
The foyer, cool and dark, has retained its 1950s style complete with Art Deco features, including a writing room and library, old telephones, terrazzo floor and two magnificent bronze Dachshunds.

Wirehair Wednesday: Meet Caron!

Guten Tag!  It's Wednesday, and you're tuned in to www.DachshundLove.blogspot.com on your internet dial, and that can mean only one thing:  It's Wirehair Wednesday!  Thanks so much to Charity S. for sending in such sweet photos of her new furry friend, 'Caron!'  She writes:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

This is Caron.  He is an eleven-week-old chocolate and tan wire-hair puppy. He loves his "Long and Short of it All" reading already!  He lives with his brother, fellow Dachshund Amos who is 1-year-old.

Because Badgers Are....

Show some solidarity with your long dogs and wear THIS to your next Dachshund event. 

Would You Like Cat, Squirrel, or Shoe?

If you live in NYC and want to put the chill on this long hot summer, you may want to contact Frozen Forest Ice Cream for what looks to be the best flavors of doggie ice cream we've ever seen.  Cat?  Squirrel?  Shoe?  Can we have all three?  100% organic ingredients, prepared and churned in a classic Italian gelato machine.  Via Dog Milk.

Napoleon Lands His Mom in Jail for Being a Vicious Dog; Charges Dropped

Meet little 'Napoleon,' and his mom, art teacher Mary-anne Baasch, who hail from Durban, South Africa.  Mrs. Baasch was driving her car out of the garage a year ago, and Napoleon darted out and bit a security guard walking past her home.  He had never bit anyone before.  She offered to pay for any medical expenses - the bite looked like "more like a graze," according to Mrs. Baasch, but the guard refused. 
Then  just a few weeks ago, she was hauled into the pokey and locked up over the charges of keeping a vicious animal.   She was then released with a notice to appear in court a week later, but her charges were dropped when they didn't appear on the roll for that day. 
Mrs. Baasch is considering suing the police for unlawful arrest.   We don't blame her.

Read more at The Star.

One Hundred and One Dachshunds ~ 2011 Childrens Museum of Eastern Oregon Annual Wiener Dog Race!

Oh, Cruella!

Looks like our favorite villainess Cruella has upgraded to Dachshunds!  The 2011 Childrens Museum of Eastern Oregon Wiener Dog Race took place back on June 24th, but some great photos were just posted at The Modern Farm Girl, so check them out.  This year's theme was obviously “One Hundred and One Dachshunds.”  Excerpt from the Children's Museum of Eastern Oregon:

The 5th Annual Wiener Dog Race, was another huge success this year. Held Friday, June 24th on Main Street, hundreds of families and children came down to enjoy the activities, games, food and fun as well as to watch the 28 racing dachshund dogs. Most surprisingly was this year’s new winner, Miss Fatty Patty owned by Candise Driggers, who upset three time champion Skippy for the first time. Second place went to John Henry, owned by Larry and Liz Pearson, and third place went to Brewsky, owned by Sara Jane Rosenberg.

Dachshund Travels Over 4,000 Miles With 'Wagon Man'

What can we say really - getting to travel all day with your Dad, meeting new people, smelling new smells - sounds like heaven.  Meet 'Wagon Man' James Newton, his half-Belgian horse named 'Friday,' and his red smooth Dachshund named 'Buster Brown.'  They have traveled over 4,000 miles since February of 2009, starting off in Corpus Christi, Texas, and heading to Alabama.  They recently stopped in Cleveland Georgia where the Gainesville Times caught up with them:

"I've been traveling for over 4,000 miles in nine states since February, 2009," he said. "I love to travel. I'm going slow and taking time to look at the countryside. I didn't have too many relatives to hold me back."
Newton said he averages about 15 miles each day on the road.
"You only get one chance to live and will be here on this earth for a short time so you had better enjoy life all you can," he said.
He said while touring America in his wagon, he stops to read historical markers along the way.
"I'm just living my dream," Newton said with a smile.
That is apparent. Those words are written more than once on his home on wheels.

Read more at the Gainesville Times.

Oddly, this isn't a one-of-a-kind tale.  Check out A Drifter, His Horse, and His Dachshund

Toys and Collars?

Generously, Ferguson's Uncle Chris refused payment for his babysitting services, and instead instructed me to splurge on Ferguson. Well, we all know that isn't going to be too difficult. Already, I've made a trip to Jeffers Pet and purchased a few things...

A Dremal (finally)

And some Ripable Toys to name a few.

But, I also wanted to get him a new, fancy collar from a source that would benefit our group. I found this site that is incredible with designs. However, I really can't make up my mind! I'm torn between a few designs, so I thought I'd leave it up to you, my readers, to vote. The contenders are:

While it may be obvious that blue is my favorite color, I'm going for something that will look best against his red fawn fur, in addition to looking nice in public as Jenny's Demo Dog ;).

Also, maybe for the holidays?:

So so so many choices! Help me out, guys!

Ferguson's Visit at Uncle Chris's

Last week, I was able to (thankfully) get some vacation time in to the Outer Banks with the boyfriend and his family. For a whole week, it was all beach, sun, and relaxing...something I very much needed. However, where we were staying did not allow dogs; though, even if it did, it would have been admittedly difficult had Ferguson, or any dog, been there too. So, while we were gone for the week, Ferguson stayed at his former foster's, otherwise known as Uncle Chris's! He gave me a hard time about leaving him, trying his best to convince me he would spend the whole time moping and missing me...I guess he'd be embarrassed to see videos like this one Chris took and sent ;).

I was happy to hear that Ferguson was a perfect gentlemen during his stay. I'd like to say he's glad to be home, but has spent most of his time sleeping. I think his muscles are a bit sore from all that running...he continues to seem a bit out of it. Still, he is back to being my shadow whenever I should leave the room ^_^.

Things on the training front are looking bright. I'm now able to provide testing and classes at work, and have at least 3 people interested in starting CGC courses in September :). Ferguson, of course, will be the demo dog.

Saturday Night Special: The Naps of Polly Sleepyhead

Take a trip with Joey 'n Maggie where one pill makes you longer and one pill makes you short, it's The Naps of Polly Sleepyhead, as the comic strip appeared in the September 2, 1906 edition of the Chicago Tribune.  The serial strip was written and drawn by American artist and author Peter Newell, who created bizarre children's books at the turn of the last century. 

The Naps of Polly Sleepyhead

No. 1 - Polly was perched on the brink of the spring down below the orchard.  She was thirsty and minded to stoop down and drink, but felt too indolent to make the effort.

No. 2 - And then she was startled by the sudden appearance of a Dachshund by her side, held in leash, as she soon discovered, by her friend the Joker.  He said:
"Come, let us go to Shadow Land - we'll take an untried route -
And, if you please, from Shadow Trees we'll gather luscious fruit."

No. 3 - Polly rose to her feet, and the pair started down a steep incline, with Stretch (that was the Dachshund's name) tugging at his leash.  The Joker laughingly remarked -
"You see my dog is leading me instead of being led;
He mostly runs to body, but he tries to be a-head!"

No. 4 - They soon came to a stream of water too wide to be jumped.  "How will we get over?" inquired Polly.  Some game wardens who had assembled at this point exclaimed in chorus:  "Yes, how will you get over?"  The Joker thought a moment and then said:
"Why, that is not so difficult; you see, we'll bridge the tide
And make a run upon the bank that's on the other side."

No. 5 - The joker then commanded Stretch to place his fore feet on the opposite bank, which he did, thus bridging the stream.  Polly and the game wardens thought this quite a clever idea and heartily applauded both the Joker and his dog.

No. 6 - The Joker directed Polly to cross over, and she carefully stepped on to the living bridge.  But she was no more than halfway over when a rabbit, deeply interested in the performance, indiscreetly showed himself where he was seen by all, including Stretch.

No. 7 - This was too much for a rabbit dog to endure, and in spite of his master's commands away he went, helter skelter, after the rabbit, leaving Polly without any support.

No. 8 - Then she woke up with a gasp.  "Help!" shouted she.  And then she realized she was in no danger.  "What a goose I am," said she, "to go to sleep and roll off into the spring!"

Dachshund Power!

If only she knew about the heat-generating capabilities of our furry little hot water bottles.  By youtuber gemllama who notes:  Dachshund power: the alternative energy of the future. Harnessing the underused energy of little dogs everywhere!

Lincoln Makes Special Appearance at Hallmark Store

Our buddy 'Lincoln,' one of those HANDSOME Sheridan Avenue Boys, made a special appearance (did he give pawtographs?) at Lloyd's Hallmark in Charlottesville, Virginia, last Saturday to promote his latest Hallmark card.  We can only imagine the frenzy of all the lady dogs who came out to catch a glimpse of him, and maybe even to garner a photo op!   Via the Charlottesville Examiner:

Kay Taylor, Lincoln’s mom, was on hand for the Saturday event, as well as some of Lincoln’s most ardent admirers. “It’s so exciting to see the cards doing so well and generating so much interest,” Taylor said. “And everyone at each of the local Hallmark stores has been so nice about getting Lincoln's card in and supporting our efforts to promote the cards,” she added.  Read more at the Charlottesville Examiner. 

Lincoln sure knows how to work the camera with his new "Get Well" card.

Dachshund Wall Decals

Thanks to Karen and 'Barney' dog for sending in a link to these awesome Dachshund decals which are available over at vinylwalldesign at Etsy.  We've seen another Dachshund decal on the net somewhere, it was a larger decal and a single dog which wasn't as whimsical, but it was like $200.  You can't go wrong with these for $40 if you need to spruce up a kid's room, your office, or anywhere really!

Whelping Wirehair Wednesday

It's Wednesday, it's Wirehair Wednesday, and we've got content thanks to our friends at Born-To-Track News & Views.  And it couldn't be sweeter.  The video notes:  Our standard wirehaired dachshund Paika whelped five puppies on Aug. 4, 2011. This was her first litter. The video shows the delivery of the second puppy. The puppies are bred for tracking wounded big game and for hunting.

Adele Gives Us a Shout Out in Vancouver?

British jazz-blues singer Adele entertains a sold-out audience at the Orpheum Theatre on Tuesday.

Thanks so much to Elizabeth Rosalyn for leaving a comment:  So... Adele just gave a huge shoutout to your blog at her Vancouver concert tonight. :)

Wow - we're so honored - boy do we love Adele.  She's the hottest Dachshundist around - selling over 8 million copies of her latest album? 

We're not sure what she said, but The Vancouver Sun notes: 

Adele would spend plenty of time chatting up her crowd between songs - talking about her wiener dog, her blog, fans she had met at the airport earlier that day and other lighthearted matters - and having quite a laugh throughout.

If anyone has any more info, please leave a comment!

Read more about Adele and her Dachshund 'Louie' in the archives, check out her official site, and buy her music.  You won't be sorry.  Seriously.

Dachshund Living

Via the September, 2011 Country Living magazine:  La Casita Home Decor's silk-screened chairs ($450 each) pair Louis XVI sophistication with a healthy sense of humor, courtesy of a graphic Dachshund silhouette.

And what's so funny about it?  These are great - and a little less expensive than the $1,900 pair offered up by Jimmie Martin Ltd.
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