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Still Waiting...but info on Flea/Tick and Heart-worm

My giant greyhound-sized kennel came today, and is laying awkwardly (and largely) in the living room alongside the wall. I'm super excited to have it, but...what do I do with it until December? I wish I could set it up :( But that would be kind of pointless...

Here (see below) I found a greyhound from the rescue I'm hoping to adopt from...and she sounds perfect! Hopefully there is a similar girl (colors and all!) for me when I'm ready! See her description here: at Petfinder.com

I also cleaned out the corner with the boxes upon boxes of random dog stuff and got it happily organized (mostly). I was disappointed I didn't find more potential used toys...but I will hopefully have enough : /. My parents also need to stop buying tiny kongs for their dog, Niles (see photograph), as I found three new ones in the pile of random dog stuff.

In other news, I spent a portion of today researching flea/tick medications and heart-worm preventatives. I have learned that:
-Biospot has the same main ingredients as K9 Advantix (and is less than half the price)
-Ivenguard (sp?) is the generic brand of Heartguard (and is also less than half the price).

This means that I will be paying less than $100 for both flea/tick and heart-worm medications, thanks to !!! I highly recommend it for others looking to save money! And here I thought it was just scam all this time (well, let's check back in a few months after I've actually used the service).

Other than researching, today has been mostly a laid back day (as much as it can be with Freesia). I think it helped that I walked her and let her run this morning though. She was far more mellow on our before-dinner walk, which was much appreciated (Thanks Freesia!). I only hope that tomorrow follows suit. Maybe I'll even get more dog stuff in the mail :D.


We're quite sure that you remember Dachshund Rescue of South Florida's piebald Rescue 'Cuddles' from earlier this week. She's looking better after just a week in Rescue! Video by kdunning19 who notes: One morning, DRSF got a plea for help to save a little doxie named Cuddles who was due to be put down... and one person put the plea on facebook.. and one said I will help.. and another and another and more and more... and now the beautiful Cuddles is on her path to her new life... all because you helped her... so thank you.... from DRSF.

Follow Cuddles on her facebook page, on the DRSF blog, or make a donation to help her at the DRSF official site.

Friday Dachshund Singalong: Wenn ich mit meinem Dackel

Thank Dog It's Friday!  We love to sing - in any language - especially songs about Dachshunds!   Here the incomparable André Rieu & the Johann Strauss Orchestra perform with Karl Moik and 'Grizzly' the Dachshund at Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna in July 2006.  Via youtuber MartyMcFly33.

Here are the lyrics very loosely translated:

Have you seen my Dachshund yet?
Seen him yet? No, not yet?
He is clever and he is beautiful,
so very clever, so very beautiful
but only when you see us together
will you understand . . .

When I return with my Dachshund
from Grinzing home, I waddle
then people will say
"just look at that clever beast"
and I'll ask you who do they talk about –
not me? surely not me?

I just couldn't carry my Dachshund,
the short-legged thing
sweet like a bunch of flowers;
because if the pub is open really late
who should take me home?
My Dachshund, my Dachshund,
yes, my Dachshund'll take me home.

Just a little while ago, we went out,
when he had to go, I had to stop
when a Dachshund girl spotted him.
she came over straight away,
buttered him up
and lost her little heart to him .
oh yes, I can understand that . . .

When I return with my Dachshund
from Grinzing home, I waddle
then people will say
"just look at that clever beast"
and I'll ask you who do they talk about –
not me? surely not me?

I just couldn't carry my Dachshund,
the short-legged thing
sweet like a bunch of flowers;
because if the pub is open really late
who should take me home?
My Dachshund, my Dachshund,
yes, my Dachshund'll take me home.

We've been to see his doctor,
my dog and I, wanted to have him
checked out "believe me,
Dachshund is fine and round and really healthy
so I ask him "Dachshund, want a wife?"
and he said "yes, yes, woof, woof"

When I return with my Dachshund
from Grinzing home, I waddle
then people will say
"just look at that clever beast"
and I'll ask you who do they talk about –
not me? surely not me?

I just couldn't carry my Dachshund,
the short-legged thing
sweet like a bunch of flowers;
because if the pub is open really late
who should take me home?
My Dachshund, my Dachshund,
yes, my Dachshund'll take me home.

A Wiener Sleeps Tonight

We're not sure if this video documents some tribal Dachshund initiation into the human world or maybe it's a human initiation into the Dachshund world - regardless, 'Po' the Dachshund is certainly getting the last laugh in this fun new video by youtuber jfroomkin.  How are they keeping straight faces?

Have a great Friday.

The Wiener-Haus

Some lucky dog will be sleeping in this - or at least playing in it - it's Wiener-Haus,  a 6-foot long, tunnel-like Dachshund facsimile dog house, designed by JPRA Architects of Novi, Michigan, and built by the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters.  This fine piece of craftsmanship is one of nine different dog houses currently being auctioned off in a silent auction which runs through Sunday to benefit The Oakland Pet Adoption Center in Auburn Hills, Michigan.  Find out more about the auction at the Daily Tribune. 

The dog houses for auction are currently on display at Somerset Collection mall in the Detroit suburb of Troy, Michigan.  Photos via Oakland Pet Adoption Center on Facebook.

Shopping for Dachshunds: Christmas in July

Just 5 months until Christmas - drive all your neighbors crazy this year with this 3-foot-long Lighted Lawn Dachshund:

The lawn can be a very difficult place to spruce up for the holidays. There is no need to fret anymore thanks to this festive lawn decoration. The item depicts a lit daschund dressed in a colorful red bow as he too prepares for Christmas. There is a total of 100 incandescent mini lights on 18 gauge wire that are clipped to the 0.25 inch steel frame. This item has been dipped in enamel to provide greater than average protection against rusting. Attached to the bottom of this decoration is a 7 inch yard stake that you can use to firmly plant it into the ground. Setup could not be any simpler. Comes with a 6 inch lead cord. The strands feature straight line construction so if one bulb burns out, the rest will remain lit. This yard art will help you show off your love of Christmas to friends, family, and everyone in your neighborhood.

We're betting that they would sell a bunch more if they spelled it DACHSHUND.  $81.89 at Christmas Depot.  Buy the frame only for $29.95 here.

Ohhh Freesia. Lessons learned, greyhound on the way.

Two weeks left with one of the highest maintenance dogs I've cared for. Freesia has continued her everlasting energy stream (with the exception of after midnight, where she is difficult to even move across a room) but has also learned some lessons along the way. Over the past month, she has learned during her visit(most of them the hard way):

1. We NEVER jump on counters. Ever.
2. This is also true of couches, baby gates, and people. Never EVER.
3. Jumping for a ball or toy is also completely unacceptable. Particularly when it leads to knocking people over.
4. When I say sit, or down, it means you stay there until told otherwise. None of this "Yeah, I'll do it for a second...then I'll get up again and go do what you didn't want me to do in the first place!"
5. It's important to whine, pace, or do SOMETHING when you have to pee. Just popping a squat after waking up after a nap doesn't cut it.
6. You must stop panting excessively before you can be fed. Meaning, no more running around and playing until food comes. Otherwise, it will never come.
7. After you greet people, you come lay down. And no, you don't need to show them every toy in the house just because they're there.
8. We DO NOT lick Niles in the face.
9. Bring the ball back, or there will be no game to be had.
10. Staying in a kennel means you are quiet. You'd better be dying or have a serious problem otherwise.

Some things I wish she would still learn:
1. NO bones in the kitchen. Ever.
2. Grass is not something to be eaten every time something exciting happens.
3. Your butt is NOT that itchy.
4. Wiggling your foot at the last possible second when getting nails clipped is the worst idea ever.
5. No matter how many times you reluctantly stand 15 feet away from the bedroom door, I will always ask you to come in.
6. You do not need to stand and stare at me when you want to be fed. Yeah, I know. I'm waiting for you to settle so you don't throw it up from eating too fast.
7. You do NOT need to have something in your mouth every time someone enters the room. This completely excludes shoes, paper, garbage, and BONES.
8. No one will play with you if you have a bone in your mouth. They also HATE it when you drop it on their foot.
9. Walking 3 miles a day is a luxury. Not a given requirement.

Luckily, the list of learned things is greater than the list of un-learned things (slightly). Needless to say, I've been rather busy and feel like I'm on house arrest, since Freesia barely tolerates being left for more than three hours. Though all the dogs I've worked with have been a considerable commitment, I never remember feeling as limited as this...all the more love to the potential greyhound.

I know that she is still a puppy, but she seems to have way more anxiety than any other dogs I've had that takes double as long to work out before she can come close to normal, which also needs to be kept in check twice as much to not let her stress take over. This, my parents fail horribly at understanding, and I am quite tired and annoyed at being called "the fuer" because of the amount of direction I have to give to her. I am exhausted, and, while I always enjoy having the dogs for company, am quite looking forward to August 13th when she'll head back to her raisers.

In other news, greyhound plans are well on their way. Though my 21st birthday (the 24th) was lame in the sense that I picked out all my gifts, I am almost finished collecting all necessary greyhound items. These include:
1. A giant kennel
2. A dog divider for the station wagon
3. A squawker
4. A fancy raised feeding set
5. A gift card for toys (well, maybe one or two. They are quite pricey at the place Sarah got the gift card from at the Yuppy Puppy Pet Boutique). )

I have yet to get the greyhound sweater, but wanted to know the size of the dog first. I've decided to adopt from Greyt Expectations Greyhound Rescue, and the dog will come an adoption package, so any left over stuff will be covered (though let's face it, I've probably got enough dog stuff here to last the pound a few months!). It's quite obvious I'm very excited. I'm also curious to work more on positive reinforcement techniques (they don't go that far with Freesia) and socialization for the new dog (aka, teaching them how to be confident, rather than trying to curb over-excitement all the time). My boyfriend Eric and I settled on a name after weeks of disputing and are going with "Winry" if the name she comes with doesn't fit (it was take that or settle with "Desu," "Nagisa," or "Tiaga.").

Everything is all set! Now all I have to do is...wait. This will be far easier to do at school though, since I will enjoy myself up to the time she comes. I'll also be sure to get a cute picture of Freesia before she leaves. In the one I found, Freesia and I are with Bill and Godiva when we met them for lunch after Alabama. I sure do miss my Godiva <3 But she is still a happy girl! Anyway, enjoy!

Vintage Dachshund Beauty


By Erik and Betty Holmberg
1995 De La Regence
St. Bruno, Quebec, Canada

Here is Favorite photographed at 10 1/2 years of age.  He was one of the four top winning Dachshunds in 1962.  In 1963, Favorite was among the six top winners and in 1964, he was one of five that headed the list of top winners.  He was also the Number 2 Smooth Dachshund in the U.S. that year.
Champion Favorite's latest of many champion get, Ch. Holmdachs Constant Comment (dog), finished in April 1970 with three majors.
Rudi Tauskey says of Favorite, "A truly great dog."  Then Mr. Tauskey adds, "He should be used widely at stud."  Of course, during most of the last five years, he has been out of the U.S.A., so he has not been too available.
Favorite does seem to reproduce his lovely head, neck, shoulders, length and spring of ribbing and well let down hocks, beautiful rear and his gorgeous correct movement.

Photo via the front cover of the American Dachshund magazine, January, 1971.

Related:  Meet one of his offspring from 1966:  SUPER-CALI-FRAGIL-ISTIC-EXPI-ALI-DOCIUS.

Wirehair Wednesday

THE WIREHAIRED DACHSHUND - from a scratchboard drawing by the late Knuke Huddleston.

via the September, 1972 Stud Register edition of THE AMERICAN DACHSHUND magazine.

Kidnapped Dachshund Found Injured Along Highway

We're happy to report that red smooth 'Chandler' is going to be fine after being kidnapped in a burglary at his home on Monday in Tyler, Texas. He was found injured by a busy highway on Tuesday morning, and taken to a vet by Animal Control officers.
"This is our miracle Dachshund, did you know that?" said owner, Maureen Parkhill. Read more at KLTV.

Unrestrained Dachshund Causes Car to Crash into Liquor Store

Thankfully no one was injured yesterday in Woodbury, Minnesota when Dick Coerber smashed his car into a liquor store.  Apparently his Dachshund jumped from his wife's lap onto the accelerator, sending the car crashing into the store.  Watch the news video at KSTP.

Get your Hold-A-Dox Harness at Dachshund Delights. Available in many colors in mesh (as shown), or pick your own fabric. We love ours; it's also a walking harness. Harnesses ship for free if ordered by July 31st, 2010. This is a savings of $4.95-$10.95, depending on number of harnesses ordered.

Dachshunds in Film: Corky Romano

Corky Romano:  In this 2001 movie, Chris Kattan plays Corky Romano, a veterinarian who is forced by his family to infiltrate the local FBI facility to steal evidence incriminating his father, Mafia boss Francis A. "Pops" Romano of racketeering charges.  The film went on to rank #64 on Rotten Tomatoes 100 "Worst of 2001."
At least there was a Dachshund.  Thanks to youtuber hjoen3 for uploading these videos.  Above is the Flying Dachshund scene. 

And then of course, the resulting mouth to mouth resuscitation scene. 

Pack the Bags and Head to Durban, South Africa

Still haven't taken that summer vacation and need to get away?   Head down to Durban, South Africa, and check yourself in at The Concierge Boutique Bungalows for a few days.  A Dachshund will greet you on the door to your room, on your menu, and in the courtyard upon your arrival (below).  We're betting that there may be one or two real Dachshunds around to greet you as well. 

Durban designing duo Greg and Roche Dry sit a spell on the oversized black fiberglass Dachshund, which came from a 35-year-old mould last used back in the days when the beach-front still had an amusement park. Read more about this hotel's designs at Times Live.

Pet Rock Motivates Doc the Dachshund in Clovis Wiener Nationals

Whatever it takes to get us to the other end of the track at the races - some Wiener Dogs like their favorite toy, ball, treat, or even a piece of fried chicken - just give 'Doc' his pet rock.  Doc participated in the second annual Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals in Clovis, New Mexico on Saturday, and his love of his pet rock led him to take 2nd place!   Hats off to the Doctor!  Excerpt from cnj online:

David and Laura Martinez didn’t have to guess why their dachshund, Doctor Martinez, placed second even though it was his first year competing.
“We coaxed him with his pet rock, not treats,” Laura Martinez said.
Martinez said Doc will go after his rock even if it’s hidden in a drawer or a pocket. He found the rock while living in Arizona and it’s been with him since. Even though the family has to hide the rock from Doc occasionally to give his gums a break, he won’t stand for it long, Martinez said.
“Dachshunds have the best personalities,” Martinez said. “They are loving, they snuggle with you under the covers. They are very well behaved. They’re protective.”

Big congrats goes out to 'Lady Bug' for taking the crown this year after placing 2nd last year.  Read all about the Clovis Wiener Nationals at cnj online.

Operation Cuddles

Meet one-year-old 'Cuddles.'  This sweet piebald gal was surrendered to the Humane Society in Key Largo, Florida with a "bad skin allergy."  After many failed attempts with minimal resources to treat her, she was scheduled for euthanization. 
Enter Dachshund Rescue South Florida.  The group was contacted last Monday to see if they could help Cuddles, or even make a donation to pay for a specialist for her.  DRSF decided to take her in, and picked her up from the shelter on Wednesday.  Here's an update on Cuddles from the DRSF blog:

When I came home from work this afternoon, I sat with Miss Cuddles and just held her in my arms and feed her some chicken jerky treats that she loves. I couldn’t hold back the tears as my 9 year old comes to check on Cuddles and finds me with my head down just looking at this tiny, helpless, little girl that looks at you with her little eyes and the pain just radiates into your body from hers. Although I am happy to be the one to be able to help her on this long road to recovery, you cant help to think about all the pain that she is going through. She doesn’t play, she doesn’t bark, she doesn’t do anything that a 1 year old puppy should do.

Donations can be made for DRSF on their website.  Keep up with Cuddles on the DRSF blog. 

Battle in Seattle

Dachshunds take the track at Seattle, Washington's Emerald Downs for the 14th Annual STAR 101.5 Wiener Dog Races on Saturday, July 24, 2010.  This is a fun little video of the event by youtuber jumpinpup.

'Buster' gives his best run during preliminary in the STAR 101.5 Kent and Alan Wiener Dog Races at Emerald Downs on Thursday July 22, 2010. The winning dogs competed on Saturday.  See 14 very fine photos from the preliminary over at seattle pi.

Lean and Mean in Abilene

Dogs run to the finish line as their owners and supporters cheer them on in Abilene

116 Long and Lows vied for top dog at the annual Dachshund races sponsored by Rescue the Animals on Thursday in Abilene, Texas.  The event was postponed for 12 days after a rain delay, but the Dachshunds still came out in full force on a new day and location to compete.  Congrats goes out to 'Ace' for taking the crown, who is a Rescue the Animals alumni.   Read all about the event and see 17 fun photos at the Reporter News.


Thanks so much to Barbara Campbell for sending in this fun video of bathtime!  This fits in quite well with our aquatic Dachshund theme we seem to have this summer!  She writes: 

Dear Joey and Maggie,

Our family is run by 2 miniature long haired Dachshunds. Mac is 17 months old... Mia is 15 months old. They are spoiled rotten, as all Dachshunds should be. Our daughter decided to make a short video of bathtime. It is always a fun time here! Enjoy!

Wiener Races on New Day NW

To promote the upcoming Wienerfest Northwest in Elmo, Washington July 31-August 1, some Dachshund Lovers and their long dogs stopped by New Day NW to talk about our favorite four-legged friends and to have a practice Wiener race!  Do you think the Dachshunds ran in the studio for the cameras? 

Dachshunds on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson

Craig Ferguson had a doxie on his show yesterday.  Well, almost.  Thanks to our pals 'Honey,' 'Teddy,' and 'Chili' for sending in the photo! 

Vintage Dachshund Pride

It doesn't matter if it's a century ago or today - we love our Dachshunds.

Vintage photo circa 1908; source unknown.

Japanese Dachshund Humor: なんでしゅか?

Sometimes no translation is necessary.  By youtuber minipeace08.

Patterns For Paws

Three-year-old Dachshund 'Fin,' sports a green loopy creation designed by Alicia Duncan of International Down & Linen backstage prior to taking part in the 'Patterns for Paws' charity dog fashion show, benefiting The Amanda Foundation, at the Pacific Design Center in the West Hollywood, Calif. on Thursday July 15, 2010.  The event featured Dachshund Lover Cesar Millan, and a special performance by the cast of the hit show Glee!  Photo source.

Dachshunds in Pop Culture: Marlon Brando

Thanks so much to our Portuguese pal 'Oscar' for sending in the link to these newly released beautiful photos of Marlon Brando by Life Magazine.  We can finally set the record straight with real photos of Brando with a Dachshund!  See, no doubt that like you, we're big Brando fans, and the very first 'Dachshunds in Pop Culture' column we posted back in 2007 was of a photo of the legendary screen actor with what appeared to be his Dachshund. After staring at the photo for a few days and comparing it to a photo of a Dachshund who was supposed to be the original 'Toto' in The Wizard of Oz, we realized they were all photoshopped and we quickly debunked them as Famous Dachshund Myths and Urban Legends.
While the Dachshund in these photos belonged to Brando's grandmother, it's all in the family, and that's good enough for us.  Meet charming red smooth 'Kurtze Beiner,' German for "short legs". See 20 photos in this set at Life Magazine.  These are the 3 with Dachshund in tow. 
Above, Though Brando was happy to stay in the bungalow, insisting he needed a homelike atmosphere while filming and not some swanky Beverly Hills hotel room, his aunt Betty Lindemeyer wasn't exactly thrilled with her houseguest. LIFE reported he stayed out till all hours and had a particularly insatiable appetite for a very messy fruit: "The Lindemeyers scoured pomegranate stains from walls, furniture, and ceiling for weeks after his departure." Here, Brando lies with his grandma's dog on his aunt's couch, where he crashed while in production.

Once filming on The Men began, Brando moved out of the veterans' hospital and into the small bungalow of his aunt in Eagle Rock, Calif. During this period Brando's maternal grandmother, Elizabeth Myers, was also a houseguest: "She was quite abashed because [LIFE photographer] Ed [Clark] took pictures of Marlon in a bathrobe, which happens to be hers," reported a production assistant among the notes found in LIFE's archives. Grandma Myers was also apologetic about the barbaric way Brando ate: "Bud doesn't bring the food to his face," she told LIFE. "He brings his face to the food." On Brando's lap as he slurps his coffee: his grandmother's dachshund, named Kurtze Beiner (supposedly German for "short legs").

Brando goes for a stroll with his grandmother and her dog. Though the movie he was working on would not be a commercial hit, The Men firmly established that Brando was as powerful a presence on film as he was on the stage, and proved wrong anyone who may have doubted his talent because of his eccentricities. From LIFE: "Even behind his indistinct mutterings of lines, audiences and critics have sensed in Brando a combustible, highly charged spirit, a quicksilver of restlessness of the sort that can command with equal power the empty spaces of a stage or the slick surface of a screen." And he was just getting started.

Vancouver Wiener Champ: Joey Delivers Again at Hastings Racecourse

Congratulations to all Sixty-Four Long and Lows who competed for the purse at a showdown Saturday and Sunday in Vancouver, Canada, in the Second Annual 'Wiener Takes All' Dachshund races at Hastings Racecourse.  This is a great video of the Final by youtuber TelePhotoBC who have documented all the heats. 
Special congrats goes out to the returning champ, 3.5-year-old red smooth 'Joey,' and his human Nancy Green, for taking the crown again this year.  Way to go!

As if that cool video wasn't enough, see fifteen fantastic photos from the event at The Vancouver Sun.

Love Your Dachshund

I love his beautiful eyes.  I love her long soft hair.  I love his fleshy nose.  I love her silky smooth belly.  I love his leathery ears.  I love her crooked tail. I love his penchant for long walks.  I love her beautiful smile when she bares all her teeth.  I love his wicked laughs.  I love how she can hear other dog's tags from blocks away. 
I love his never-ending desire for food.  I love her desire to protect us.  I love his spots.  I love her furry muzzle.  I love the long deep stares from his big brown eyes.  I love her too-quick glances with that gleam in her eye.  I love his short stubby paws.  I love her little shaggy toes.  I love how he knocks things over with his nose just to watch them fall.  I love her muted colors. 
I love his playful moods.  I love her kisses.  I love the way his skin shivers when I caress his side.  I love how she has to scratch her back on the sidewalk every time we go outside.  I love his yearning for car rides.  I love her shy ways.  I love his wagging tail.  I love how she sometimes lifts her leg to pee.  I love how he stretches out to pee.  I love it when she bucks like a pony when she's excited. 
I love how he cocks his head when he hears a Luna carpet commercial.  I love her velvet bump where her dew claw would be.  I love his wayward whiskers.  I love her propensity to drudge through a puddle on walks.  I love his crooked legs.  I love her hatred of fireworks.  I love his hatred of rain.  I love her sharp little teeth.  I love the smooth brown spot on the side of his face.  I love her when she chews the bands of some underwear she's found.
I love the well-defined muscles on his hind legs.  I love her ear when it won't stay down.  I love his desire for laps.  I love her swaying legs when she sits up so pretty.  I love the wrinkles on the top of his head.  I love her clicking nails.  I love his warmth on a cold winter's night.  I love her long soft neck.  I love his whimpers.  I love her gentle expressions.

What do you love about your Dachshund?

Luverne MN Hot Dog Nite 2010

A Wiener Dog Beauty Contest, Wiener Races, and 10,000 free hot dogs can mean only one thing:  the Luverne, Minnesota Hot Dog Nite!  This annual event took place last Thursday, July 15, 2010, and our roving reporters 'Oscar' and 'Hans' have graciously provided the scoop again this year with some great photos!  Thanks guys!  They report:

Hey Joey and Maggie!

Another GREAT Hot Dog Nite is in the books...and it was awesome! As always, we got to see so many of our fellow longdogs, including a lot more wirehairs than in years past. The beauty pageant had some very creative costumes, and the race action was as thrilling as ever! The race finals pitted a wirehair, a longhair, and a smooth - how neat to have all three types going head-to-head! Long Dog Apparel was there with a lot of sweet wiener swag for sale.

Here are the results:

Male Wiener Dog Beauty Pageant winner - Walter B. Wiener (owned by Jim Olander of Sioux Falls, SD)
Female Wiener Dog Beauty Pageant winner - Sadie (owned by Rebecca Austin of Luverne, MN)

Race Winners:
First Place - DEXTER, owned by Lisha Fish of Sioux Falls, SD
Second Place - Finnegan, owned by Dixie Manthei of Rochester, MN

Thanks to the Luverne Chamber of Commerce, and Rock Veterinary Clinic for once again hosting and sponsoring an awesome event!

See all the photos with titles included in the flickr set Luverne Wiener Races 2010

Dachshunds: The Noisiest Dogs In New York City

Who, Me?

Labels.  Hhhmph.  We've had a run at being called the oldest dogs as well as the most aggressive dogs, and now we're being called the noisiest dogs.  What's a Dachshund to do?  Certainly we are the most lovable dogs, right?  Meet one of Ruth Carmelitano O'Sullivan's two Dachshunds, who are the noisiest dogs in New York City.  Yep, 'Elizabeth' and 'Emily' have had 2 animal noise violations issued against them, the most issued to anyone in New York City over the last year.  Excerpt from the New York Daily News:

One neighbor at the John Jay House co-op on E. 76th St. said residents "suffered through [the barking] for over a year" and it made them "miserable."
The woof-fests occurred during the daytime, when O'Sullivan was at work, residents said.
After warning O'Sullivan about the noise, the city's Department of Environmental Protection hit her with a $70 violation on Nov. 17. She was slapped with another noise violation, for $175, on Jan. 14, records show.
O'Sullivan didn't comment, but her ex-husband, Larry Genovese, defended his ex-wife and the dachshunds.
"It was ridiculous," said Genovese, who lived with O'Sullivan when she was ticketed.
"She didn't deserve what she was put through."
O'Sullivan eventually paid both fines, and residents said she's taken steps that have kept Elizabeth and Emily quiet.

Read more of this blusterous story and see another pic at the New York Daily News.

11-Year-Old Dachshund Survives 4 Weeks in the Wilderness

If you're looking for some of that Dachshund inspiration to kick off your Monday with a bang, you've come to the right place.  Meet beautiful 11-year-old 'Honey,' and his human Denise Beirnes, who hail from West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  They were out doing some off-leash hiking in the woods around Capilano River with 'Eddie,' the other Dachshund in the family, when all of a sudden Honey was just gone and nowhere to be found.  Excerpt from North Shore News:

"I looked around and he was gone," Beirnes said. "So I am calling and calling and calling him and there is no response, so we started this all-out search."
Despite exhaustive search efforts by Beirnes, some friends and the dog's walkers from North Shore Dog Walkers, Honey was nowhere to be found.
Beirnes returned to the site many times over the next few days but found no sign of Honey.
Beirnes didn't give up. She called pounds and animal hospitals, contacting all the vets on the North Shore and put up around 50 posters in the area. She also posted adds on Kijiji, Craigslist and in the North Shore News.
Hoping to provide an incentive, Beirnes offered a $1,000 reward to anyone that returned her dog safe and sound.
Then the unthinkable happened. Beirnes received a call from a man saying he had located Honey after identifying him through his tags.
It had been four weeks since Beirnes had last seen her beloved dog.
When they brought Honey back, the dog was barely alive. It was exceedingly thin with its chest scraped up, two infected cuts on its ears and a skinned nose.
Beirnes said the normally lively dog was lifeless.
Less than 10 days after the ordeal Honey is starting to perk up. Beirnes has to feed him every three hours to help him gain his strength back. So far he has gained a pound.

Well welcome home Honey, and don't run off like that again!  Read more of this amazing story at North Shore News.

Dachshund Relaxation: Diving Dachshund is CRAZY about Swimming!

If I should take a notion
To jump into the ocean
Ain't nobody's business if I do ~ Billie Holiday

via youtuber Verysupercool who notes:

Martin, a.k.a. Mr. Paddles, is CRAZY for the water! When he is near water he can not help but to bark and/or cry with delight... and then dive in! We adopted our boy Martin from Central Texas Dachshund Rescue. He has a bad heart, and he's on lots of medication, but he still LOVES to swim. He can't swim nearly as much as he used to, but it he can get a few dives in and paddle around the pool for a few minutes, he is one very happy boy!

There are lots more dogs like Martin online. Please consider adopting or donating to Central Texas Dachshund Rescue.

Have an awesome Friday!

Thank Dog It's Friday!

Smiles everyone....SMILES! 

See more smiling Patrick at flickr.


by Paul Coates
for the Los Angeles Times some time in 1965

There is an aged theory (probably first advanced by Dr. Ross for his own selfish reasons), that you can always trust a man who likes dogs.
And they also argue that every boy should have one.
It builds character, they tell us.
That is simply not true.
Perhaps it builds character for a dog.  But it does nothing for a boy.
This is, of course, a highly volatile statement.  And I would not make it if I were not fully prepared to back it up.
Just look at me.
And be honest about it.
Am I the sort of person you would want to buy a used car from?
Yet, I have always had a dog.  And a grandmother who thought canine stories would keep me from falling into a life of sin.
At Christmas, when other youngsters were getting Lucky Lindy aviator caps or nifty 98 cent periscopes you could use to peek in windows without being caught, I was getting books with such racy titles as "Bruce, A Shropshire Lad, And His Collie."
Our first household pet was an unkempt Poodle named "Poodles," which will give you some idea of the rich vein of creative thinking that runs in my family.
If he had been a Scotch terrier, I'm sure we would have held a brain-storming session around the kitchen table, and finally decided to call him "Scotch Terrier."
Anyway, "Poodles" was a Poodle.  And, from the first time he chewed up my left sneaker, I hated him.
In fact, I have been very cautious about showing affection to any dog, ever since.
And right now, a state of open hostility exists between me and the dog in my life.
For the past 15 years, I have grown up with an utterly supercilious, smug Dachshund named, for some unfathomable reason, "Friendy."
He is an arrogant Aryan with all the unpleasant attributes of a scar-faced Prussian general.  His haughty military bearing makes me feel like a mere ober-gefreiter in my own household.  And, while that is an impressive sounding title, it just means corporal.
The difficulty in dealing with Dachshunds is that they will not take orders - only give them.
Through the language of a nerve shattering whine he can command us to put on a coat and follow him on a forced march from pillar to post in the dead of night.
For a number of reasons, I resent being taken out for a walk by a dog.
In the first place, it brings you into contact with other pet people, who speak a special terminology that is mystifying and very upsetting to the digestive system.
Nothing can ruin my appetite quicker than to have a matron on the other end of a Pomeranian's leash take me for a kindred soul and confide:
"You know our little baby has been a sick girl.  We had to have her wormed."
Another hazard of these forays into the night is that our little baby will not suffer the indignity of wearing a leash.  So I am forced to plead with him to come home.
This reduces me to his level, which with a Dachshund is way down there.
The other night he disappeared into the darkness again.
"Friendy," I shouted.  "Where are you?  Kommen sie here."
I caught a quick glimpse of him trotting away.
"Achtung, dammit!"  I yelled.  "Get back to the house."
When he didn't show up in 10 minutes, I returned to the apartment without him.  A short time later, the girl on the switchboard called.
"Friendy is in the lobby," she said.  "Shall I have him come up?"
"No," I whispered, cupping my hand over the phone.
"No what?" my wife demanded.
"How do you like that dog?" I said bitterly.  "Now he's got to have himself announced before he'll come up."
When he arrived at the door, I opened it, greeting him with a low bow and a sweeping gesture of welcome.
"Come in, come in," I said.  "My home is your home."
But the sarcasm was completely lost on him.  German dogs have no sense of humor.  He just sniffed my ankles, rubbed his back on our expensive white carpet, yawned and loped off to the kitchen, leaving a wake of paw marks.
Towards dawn, I was jolted from a sound sleep by an eerie whimper.
"Hark!" I hissed, digging my wife in the ribs.  "What's that?"
"Friendy," she explained.  "He's under the bed and he's talking in his sleep.  Isn't that cute?"
And I know just what he was muttering in his sleep: 
"Today, the fire hydrants.  Tomorrow, the world."


Unrelated vintage 1930s photo source unknown.

Baxter and Duk Duk's Amazing Feats of Summer Part 1

What's our buddy 'Baxter' up to?  He and his toyfriend 'duk duk' found a copy of the Guinness Book of World Records lying around, and now they are gonna make and break their own world records, and catalog them as their amazing feats of summer!  If you don't read about Baxter every day over at kalyxcornucopia, you should.   Fun stuff.

Vintage Dachshund Anticipation

Hungry Through The Ages

Early to mid 1900's photo source unknown.

Dachshund Therapy: Lexi and Laci

There's no therapy quite like Dachshund Love, as these patients at Pinecrest Rehab in Delray Beach have discovered.  We're so proud of the work you do Lexi and Laci! 

Read more about this Dynamic Duo over at WPTV.com.

Meet Penny Lane, Los Alamitos Wiener Nationals Champion!

Congrats again to 'Penny Lane,' this year's champion from the 2010 Los Alamitos Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals, which took place on Saturday in Los Alamitos, California.  Ms. Lane beat out 98 Dachshunds to take the crown!  She is seen here with her human Trish Ausilio, and city of Cypress Mayor Prakash Narain.
Excerpt from the OC Register:

An estimated 12,000 people attending this year’s event.
Penny Lane’s win collected $1,000 for Ausilio, and an official Wienerschnitzel crystal trophy and a red dog house.
Proceeds from the event benefited the Seal Beach Animal Care Center.
In addition, Wienerschnitzel will award Ausilio a trip for two, plus Penny Lane, to San Diego to compete in the Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals Grand Finale at the Pacific Life Holiday Bowl's Port of San Diego Big Bay Balloon Parade on Dec. 30.

Forest and the Los Alamitos Wiener Nationals 2010

Congratulations to all the Dachshunds who raced in the 15th Annual Los Alamitos Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals on Saturday in Los Alamitos, California.  A special congrats goes out to 'Penny Lane' for taking the crown this year, as well as defending champion 'Presley' for finishing in second place.
And thanks to our pal 'Forest' for sending in such a fine video from the event!  The video notes:  Forest, our 1 and half year old miniature dachshund, participated in this year's 15th Annual Wiener Nationals at the Los Alamitos race course sponsored by Wienerschnitzel. He was in trial #7 - he did his very best coming in 6th place out of 8 :-) Enjoy this video!
You may remember the handsome Forest from A Day In the Life of Forest the Dachshund.  

As the gate goes up contestants in the third race of the Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals at Los Alamitos Race Course begin their 50-yard sprint toward the finish line. Ninety-eight Dachshunds were selected to compete in this year's Wiener Nationals for a prize of $1000.  See 10 photos from the event at The OC Register.

It's Almost Here: Hot Dog Nite!

(click photo to enlarge)

If you live near Luverne, Minnesota, don't miss the annual Hot Dog Nite this coming Thursday, July 15, 2010.  Did someone say 10,000 free hot dogs?  And if you don't live near Luverne, Minnesota, then stay tuned right here for all the coverage from our Dachshund News Correspondents 'Oscar' and 'Hans.'  Woof, WOOF!  Be sure and check out the write-up from last year's event. 

So Much Pun

While browsing the net for the morning Dachshund News, we found a familiar face on So Much Pun!  They ponder:  The Real Question Is, Which Is Cuter?  Joey was enamoured with his friend 'Frankie' at the local Dachshund meetup that day back in 2008.

Related:  Got A Light?

Boy Meets His Heroine: Frankie The Walk 'N Roll Dog

Our busy friend 'Frankie,' the Walk 'N Roll Dog is in the news again, and this time she made the day of one of her admirers, a young Illinois boy named Cameron Thien.  Cameron was traveling with his family and visited Elkhart Lake, Illinois, when he was fascinated by Frankie's book in a gift shop there.  Turns out the owner of the shop knew Frankie's mom, Barbara Techel, and set up a chance for Cameron to meet Frankie!  Here's an excerpt from Fox 11 News:  Barbara says the most valuable lesson Frankie teaches is no matter what life struggles you face, you can be happy. Barbara says Frankie has given her a new outlook on life, and believes fate brought them together to help others, and bring happiness to kids just like Cameron.

Frankie is also in the current edition of Woman's World magazine, so be sure and pick that up!  Thanks to our buddies 'Kate' and 'Allie' for sending in such nice pics!  They write:

Dear Joey and Maggie,

Dachshunds are popping up everywhere. The July 19th issue of Woman's World (look at the supermarket checkout) has the story of Frankie the Dachshund, owned by Barbara and John Techel. Frankie injured his back and now uses a cart and has been visiting schools and hospitals to teach about disabilities ever since. (Page 40--the Inspiring Animal column)

We thought it was neat that this story appeared in WW, since it has a huge circulation and the ability to get a Dachshund story out to a large audience!

(click any photo to enlarge)

North East Ohio Dachshund Picnic 2010

The 13th Annual North East Ohio Dachshund Picnic took place on Saturday, July 10, 2010 at Plum Creek Park in Kent, Ohio.  Nearly 400 Dachshunds and over 500 humans attended the event!  Above, 'Brocklee' (left) and 'Peanut' enjoy a game of ball.  They "belong" to Jim Runion and his fiancee, Amy Shutler of Sebring.  See several nice photos, and read all about the event at Ohio.com. 
''It's their personality,'' attendee Katie Medlock said about the Dachshund breed. ''They're so boisterous and annoying — but love you so much.''

Exhausted Little Wiener Champ

'Tater Tot,' 3, is carried on the back of his owner after winning his heat in the Wiener Dog Races during the Marion County Fair in Salem, Oregon, on Saturday, July 10, 2010.  See about 7 photos from the event at the Statesman Journal. 

Vintage Dackel Conformation

Typical, striking head.  Beautifully flowing line from the nose ridge to the forehead.  Attitude and bearing challenging, vigorous.  Powerful jaws.  Correctly set and correctly carried ears which are not too large or too small.   ~translated from Der Dachshund magazine, March, 1965.

Unrelated 1931 vintage photo source unknown.

Meet Daisy Stephanopoulos

Did someone say Dachshund Lover?  When last we mentioned George Stephanopoulos, he was grieving the loss of his beloved Dachshund 'Gilbert.'  Yesterday the television journalist and former political adviser debuted the newest 4-legged addition to his family on ABC's Good Morning America.  Was it a Dachshund?  You betcha!  Meet 'Daisy,' the beautiful red smooth Dachshund puppy whom the Stephanopoulos family rescued from the local Humane Society!  Daisy joins the other 4-legged member of the family, 'Charlie,' a Dachshund-Jack Russel mix. 
In this video, Daisy attempts to pick the winner of the World Cup.  How will she fare?  We've got a feeling that she was thinking "If it's not Germany, why even bother?!"
Congratulations to the Stephanopoulos family.

The Working Dog: Diggy The Coolest Hunting Little Dachshund

Thank Dog It's Friday, and in honor of our four-legged friends who actually work for their supper, meet 'Diggy,' the hunting Dachshund.  Too bad about some of the expletives in the video, and it might be a little squeamish for some folks, but this is what hound dogs do afterall. 
Via youtuber Birdsfearme, who notes:  This is Diggy a Red Short Hair Dachshund hunting Chukar on EGA a private game bird perserve in Southern Californis on March 2010. Diggy was discovered at the local feed store and was to be a house dog for Andies wife the care taker of EGA but after hanging out with Andy he picked up the hunting skills of his working dogs and soon became more skilled than the other dogs that Andy start letting Diggy do the heavy lifting. Now if he could only retrieve waterfowl!!!

Vintage Dachshund Relaxation

Vintage photo source unknown.

Dachshunds To Watch Out For

If this chocolate sweetie looks familiar, that's because you recognize 'Riley,' the long dog who took the races this past March at the grand opening of a Pink's Hot Dog restaurant in California.  Or maybe you recognize Riley's human, Brittany Hayes, who won an Olympic Silver Medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympics for water polo.  This smashing duo will now be competing at the 15th running of the Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals on Saturday at Los Alamitos Race Course in Los Alamitos, California.  “I am competitive, of course,” Hayes says. “But Riley just loves to race. He’s a natural. People might think I’m a crazy dog lady. Well, I am a crazy dog lady but not one who goes crazy if my dog doesn’t win.”
Read all about them at the Press-Telegram or the OC Register. 

Lucy bolts from her practice starting box.

Now meet 'Lucy,' a red smooth from Spring Valley Lake, California, who will also be competing this weekend in Los Alamitos.  And Lucy isn't just competing, she's also a poster gal for the Wienerschnitzel restaurants this year!  “It seems like it’s really not about the one that’s the fastest, it’s the one that can maintain focus for the entire 13 seconds it takes to run the course,” Kevin Barda, Lucy’s owner, said with a laugh.  Read all about Lucy at the Daily Press.

We don't know who to root for!

We've been anxiously awaiting for some great promo videos for this year's Los Alamitos races, but alas, they have yet to be found.  This one from last year is worth a second look though....or even a third or a fourth.
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